
I think the moral of the story here is: don't count on anything, and it is just a whole lot easier to leave the password, because otherwise it's tremendous pain and the @$$. They hold all of the cards, you hold none of them.

Ive never heard of an Exit interview before. (but was able to pick it up from the article) I wish more places did them. Not a single place that I (or any of my friends) have ever worked at did one. I would think it would be very helpful, and only goes to show that most employers either just plain don't care what

The inverter is drawing too much power. You need a bigger/better alternator.

What do you do when there's no cell signal?

Pretty much any laptop up to a couple years old. Unless the manufacturer submits them for inclusion in Win Upd, they won't be in there, and usually aren't.

Unfortunately, that's kinda how it's working out. But also, if you did that, you would at a minimum face another charge, there's actually one specifically called giving a false name to law enforcement. But in almost all situations, they (cops) try to avoid this by getting an ID from you very first thing. It's kinda

I'm guessing they'll find something like this:

It's not even about the companies offerings, which hardware is better after you root the device and do what you want with it?

Buyer pays shipping...

What I have taken from reading all these replies, is that there is absolutely no rule or pattern to follow. Some interviewers prefer honesty, some prefer generic canned answers. Some will trap you with bad questions, and some will misinterpret your answers and thoughts and intentions. Unfortunately there is just no

I kind of miss going to Macworld Expo every year. Even though I haven't in several years now, back in the day I went something like 15 years in a row, back when they had the old OS. It was actually really interesting, especially in the mid 90s. The last time I went, a few years ago, it really wasn't much more than

If piracy didn't exist, most of the people that pirate things, wouldn't buy the product anyway. Lots of people pirate things, just because they can. Not because they want the things.

I'd be willing to pay via PayPal and nothing else.

It seems like business cards are more relevant to Non-Technical (Analog) people. Unfortunately, there's more of them than there are of us. But also, business cards are kind of symbolic, of service, and of desire to keep in contact.

Speaking as somebody that's been out of a job for over a year: BE THANKFUL YOU HAVE A JOB AT ALL AND DON'T WORRY ABOUT HOW IT MAKES YOU FEEL!!!

I don't have a Mac, but I thought that the screen shot was built into the OS, it was under the old MacOS (pre OS-X). Besides, Firefox gives you the option to save the whole page for offline viewing anyhow.

I don't know if mine is an A5 device or not. A table of them would be helpful. I have a 3GS, I don't know if it's also serial number dependent or not.

Coming from somebody who's been out of work for over a year: BE THANKFUL YOU HAVE A FREAKING JOB!

>This guy is making a joke

If you get stopped by a cop, and you are carrying a gun, even if it is legal and you have a legal carry permit, haven't done anything at all, you WILL be face down on the ground, the cop's weapon drawn, and you probably in handcuffs, while they figure everything out.