
Having a quiet flight is not a right. Having a flight is not a right. Having quiet is not a right. Get it straight.

thank you

I use 7x64 successfully with a 64 GB SSD as my boot drive (c) and a 1 TB as my D drive, but the problem arises when some applications HAVE to be installed to the C drive, they give you no choice. I think I saw something somewhere about how under 7, you could move things to other drives and use hard links to the C,

They already said, they aren't interested in your work computer (that you're probably using right now), they're interested in your home computer.

If you have an iPhone, the short and long answer are both yes, you should get a case. They seem to look for reasons to not honor the warranty on the thing.

Can I use ANY proxy? Or just certain ones?

Yes, on a PC. But if you're at home, trying to watch the movie with your family, on a console player, you can't skip them.

Quality of material. Replay value. Basically, I decided a long time ago that a movie I'd probably watch over and over again is worth buying, but something that I'd watch once and never watch again, like a collection of TV shows, I'd never shell out a dollar for. If I want to see it once, I'll see it once and toss

This kinda says it all.

Flat out does not work. I googled my license plate, both of those of my parents, old cars that I used to have, and got no results. I'm in California too. I tried with the key word California, and also without it. Nothing. I welcome any advice, because I'd like this to work.

So, I take it that you never went to college and did any of these things...

>but even a complete engine rebuild is easy to do, and no you don't need "special tools" unless you call things beyond a hammer and screwdriver "special"

This isn't going to fool anybody, much less a true law enforcement computer expert.

Oh I have a room in a house in North California. I have kitchen and bathroom privs. For what it is, where it is, I think it's a little high, but it's in a much nicer neighborhood than where I used to live, I always had to worry about my car being broken into, etc.

I still bring a couple resumes along with me on job interviews, but they usually already have a copy, they just printed the file that I uploaded with my application. Then I get home afterward, and I try to "save it for next time" but usually forget, or information on it has changed, and it's obsolete now. The trees

yeah, mostly resumes and job apps. While I'm mostly digital, and so are most of my friends, the rest of the world is still very much analog.

How about a month of rent?

In order to put something "away" it has to have a place to go. If it does not, then it will go anywhere, others will perceive this as a mess, but what can you do? You aren't going to get rid of your stuff just to please others.

Have YOU ever tried to "get the government" to do something?

>I don't do well with manipulation, especially covert manipulation.