
So, he's probably not invited to his own party then...

It's such a blatant violation of the 4th amendment that it's almost non-news because we know it'll get struck down, probably before it ever even passes.

I'd like to hear your better ideas.

I love mine, the battery life is unreal, the portability is unreal, granted that's because of the microscopic screen...

"I love doing XXX all day" — Ron Jeremy?

you're not really meant to reinstall the OS on newer computers anyhow. There are USB optical drives if you MUST. In a generic install of Windows, it's pretty unlikely you're going to get all your hardware drivers anyhow, and the manufacturers only SOMETIMES have them online for download, and not always for the OS

If all you do is net surfing and light office work, get a netbook, save $750

Well, when you've been out of work for over a year like me, 500 is that bad...

Pretty much all decent tablets might as well be 10,000 cause they sure aren't affordable as is...

and how many thousand dollars will this cost?

Wow that's paranoid.

>but what about those of us who use computers to do actual work?

To which I would say "since VPN tunnels are a software product, and not a hardware product, if I were to install the VPN software, a company laptop would be no more or less secure than my own computer with the VPN software"

But on phones like the iPhone that you can't (easily) remove/replace the battery, it's a big deal.

I've been thinking the same thing.

When I upgraded to iOS 5 on my 3gs, it installed a new thing called Newsstand and inside it was NYTimes, I don't know if NYTimes was installed before, and is there way to get NYTimes out of Newsstand and then delete Newsstand?

If somebody says to me that I don't know what I'm doing, I tell them that my M.A. in I.T. says that I do. What does your M.A. say? Oh that's right...

Speaking from experience, my parents don't care about any of the reasons for using FF. To them, it either works or it doesn't. Nothing else. The easiest thing is to just do it for them, they probably won't even know.

Speaking from experience, my parents don't care about any of the reasons for using FF. To them, it either works or it doesn't. Nothing else. The easiest thing is to just do it for them, they probably won't even know.

There will come a time where you HAVE to have a data plan.