
I have an SSD disk, and would love to move the browser cache to that, however I am worried that it will cause too many reads/writes to the disk, and decrease the life.

Yes, the management didn't back up the employees at all. If somebody returned a piece of junk, they took the attitude of "you're not paying for it, so why does it matter?"


I used to work at The Home Depot, and the cashiers at the returns counter, because most of them had never worked in the main part of the store, sometimes could not tell if something was from our store, but even worse, the store got the reputation of "if you whine and complain to a manager enough (there were several)

I've often heard "in queue" and learned long ago that it means the same thing as "waiting in line" and that it's just another figure of speech in the English language, but it's used more in places of British influence. But for me, in California, I've heard it enough that I am able to translate it seamlessly on the

>it wants to kill Android. It wants Google's mobile OS to go away. No settlements. No licenses. Dead. Jobs said as much, very explicitly.

I wonder if that info graphic is available in a usable size?

That is kinda how you help to make IE 6 go away, by not supporting it any more. Even Microsoft doesn't even support IE 6 anymore.

Now, is that One-Third of home users, or All users, including at work? Cause at work you usually don't get a choice of what OS you use, and many of the people at the office don't even care, or know the difference anyhow. They could be using a 10-year-old Dell for all they know.

Thanks, the differentce in thickness doesn't matter to me, the only criteria I have is a USB port and a SD (or micro SD) slot. I'd really like to see a price point of around 200-250 though, but I think I'm gonna be waiting a couple years for that though.

I'd really like to have an opinion, but all the reviews of multiple tablets that I've seen, none of them mention if the devices have a card reader slot for expandable storage. But also I can't handle the hefty price tag that comes with a lot of the units.

I think they used to be available in The United States around 2006 or 2007, I used to have some. What changed?

The money they spent on that vault... They should just give it to me, and then email the formula to themselves.

According to the Wikipedia page, they cost 18.8 million each, so represented in this picture is $507.6 million worth of planes. It would be a shame if something happened to them. I guess 507.6 million isn't actually that much in governmental money, it's when you start to get into the billions...

Windows phone? Well even Mythbusters proved that you can polish a turd...

Well, if they reported on it, it's not so secret anymore...

The article is correct. ddkkpp is WRONG!

Good. Screw AT&T.

The trick is hardware based, not software based, that's why it only works with the apple headphones, and not bluetooth ones.

If the ban were justified, the folks who make you take off your belt, shoes, etc. at the gate would simply confiscate those electronic devices as well as your bottles of water, cups of coffee, and breast milk.