
Cause after all, everything in life is ultimately about race anyhow... (I hope you can see the sarcasm and irony)

Where are the cops? I know that NYC has plenty of em. In my town if you did that stuff, you'd get ticketed all over the place. I'm pretty sure that bicycles are subject to most of the same rules as cars, and the cops should start enforcing it!

That picture of the Lion with blood on it's teeth is awesome!

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Its those minor inconveniences that make it unusable.

The phone company and the cable company already have your SSN if you're an accountholder. Part of the credit check of getting an account. It's would be trivial to connect the two in a database.

They use a method called "Deep Packet Inspection"

You might want to know if you ever plan to finance a house or a car.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one...

I do this stuff all day long, go to people's houses, they're usually infested with spware, and I almost always install and update Microsoft Security Essentials. I really like it, it seems to work very well and compliments Windows 7 very well, unlike AVG or Avast or Avira or any of the other security software out

You don't need to do it because: Vista and 7 automatically defrag your drives in the background, unless it's an SSD, in which case you don't need it at all. But I would point out that this is a feature that Linux has had for YEARS...

Will this thing do 2D barcodes also?

Good luck finding this rescue tape in your local hardware store, or really anywhere for that matter.

If the traditional Apple update and planned-obsolescence is alive, the iOS 5 probably won't install on a 3GS I'm thinking.

Your Vertex 3 both reads and writes at 550MB/s? How come the rest of them don't?

Wouldn't you probably crush whatever you put into that storage compartment?

I know. My Mom always says "get a job with computers..." I tell her, what does that mean? That's like saying "I work with wood", it's soo general, it's meaningless.

You can't do anything with only an undergrad degree in Law (Lawyer) you need a full-on Law degree, pass the Bar Exam, etc... Same goes with Psychology or any kind of Medicine.

When I saw News Reader, I thought Newsgroups. It's an RSS newsfeed reader.