
Nobody mentions, none of the services have first-run shows, at best a day old, at worst last season. It's really very convenient to see things when they are first-run or a couple hours later (DVR) But also, you can't download like 3/4 of the shows that are worth watching.

I don't have one (yet) but anyone know, will this work on a Motorola Xoom?

I think you're right, I didn't notice that before.

The article says "If you can save a whole dollar by going to a different station" but I want to point out that in my entire life I have never seen stations that were apart by nearly that much. 20 cents at most, and that's only at the premium stations (not premium fuel, which is another thing entirely) versus generic

Worst trend in my mind is installing something and having it install the Yahoo Toolbar or Google Chrome or something else, along with it.

I would really like to see an article on how to make a custom bootable startup disc with the Antivirus and Antispyware utils that I want.

Because we all know that if the cops are banging down your door, you have time to reboot from a CD...

I've used TerraCopy for a while, and I can say, it rules!

I agree that it should just be part of windows, and that's what the update is doing, making it part of windows.

Why not just call the .NET Framework what it really is? A shared library...

I'm looking for one of those Super Mario desktop wallpapers that will fit my desktop of 2048x1152, or bigger, that I can trim down to size.

I wouldn't call a Microsoft store much of an alternative. Yeah technically they're not the same, but they might as well be.

I would consider it as an AND/OR type thing. I still want the option of being able to buy it if I want.

As much as I can't stand Radio Shack, this Lance Armstrong commercial hits it right on the head.

There are many versions of the WRT54G. I have a version 5. I can not recommend that one. But some other versions of the WRT54G and GL are very good. But there is this very information on the DD-WRT website:

Does it count for serving sizes? Recommended serving sizes are so small, often I need to eat like 3 or sometime 4.

Why just wake the computer when you can completely control it using something such as TeamViewer which has an iphone client also.

Thoughts of communist China and the great firewall come to mind whenever anything about censoring any part of the internet come to light.

Actually, I'm 32. Everybody I know uses cell phones for more than communicating in emergencies only. You're not like any other 23 year old that I know, you have the attitude of someone 50+ and not of the cell phone generation.

Who has spare webcams?