“In Hawaiʻi, many use an umbrella to block the sunlight as they walk about during the day.”
The grays don't understand sarcasm.
These new scrolling articles suck real bad. It’s really easy to comment on the wrong article. Not your fault.
I hate
Next, he will gently redesign his own feces.
NYT must have learned this from Gizmodo.
Cool. Need to see if from the inside to make it worth the money.
Hate getting 1/4 through the list and then having to go back up to make sure this isn’t a bot article.
We are always seeing stars as they were in the past. How far in the past depends on how far they are from us. We can’t know if they are still there until we see a supernova or don’t see them anymore. But again, that always happened in the past. And from the linked article:
Gates separated from Microsoft YEARS so. This is about Gates Ventures.
This has absolutely nothing to do with Microsoft.
Then why are you here?
Looks like AI fucked up this sentence too.
Make your own app.