Duke of Kent

You see the pole, Cougar?

What do you think the next thing will be that will go from beloved to terrifying in a generation or two?  My guess is animatronic figures.  While there’s always been something a little unsettling about their unnatural movements, kids of my age loved Chuck E Cheese and the Showbiz Pizza characters.  Now with Five

New Girl: I expected it to be nothing more than a vehicle for Zooey Deschanel’s Manic Pixie Dream Girl schtick, which I find somewhat annoying. As it turns out, it’s a nice ensemble comedy with a cast of great characters.

Usually a statement like that implies that it is the largest dealership that sells Dodge trucks, but after seeing this behemoth, I believe it could also be read as: the dealership that sells the largest Dodge trucks.

There’s a big “forbidden fruit” effect happening on this site.  If something is not available stateside, the staff and comentariat gush all over it.

On the one hand, you’re absolutely right that there’s nothing more disappointing than an empty candy container. On the other hand, candy can be a particularly polarizing thing, so it might be nice to have the opportunity to fill it with only the candies that I like.

It’s magnificent!  Now I want one... or at least want to see one in person!

Not a question, but it made me smile. A cheerful motorcyclist pulled up next to me in my convertible at a traffic light and said: “Hey! Your motorcycle has two extra wheels!”  It made me laugh, and I wished him a great ride.

I find it crass.  I don’t mind talking about money in an abstract sense, but I don’t like talking specific figures.  When someone asks what I paid, I just say that I got a great deal through the Costco Auto Program which is true and vague, and it generally steers the conversation away from a numerical answer.

Cool car!  That’s one I’ve certainly never seen before, and I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of!  Enjoy!

Oh, that is WAY too much work for “Dr” Elizabeth!  If it can’t be copied and pasted from somewhere else, it’s not showing up in her articles!

These WCSIB letters always seem to be a little light on the details, and I always just assumed that Tom trimmed them down for readability. The lack of details makes the letter-writers sound like they don’t know what they want, which makes it hard to recommend a car to meet their needs.

Canadians have their annual ritual where they funnel out all their rudeness, anger, and violent tendencies...

From last March until just a couple months ago, it was all list-making for me. You can’t really “wander” all that much when you order everything from Instacart.

I’ve been thinking about this situation a lot lately. With the <12 unvaccinatable population pouring back into schools, it makes me wonder what’ll happen with Covid case numbers. I am hopeful that masking and distancing will keep things manageable, but it’s a tough situation for parents for sure.

My first guess was “funeral home car” but those typically have extra doors like the newer example further down in the article.

I wouldn’t stress out too much about maximizing ROI on your emergency fund. The whole point is that it’s there when you need it (and that you don’t know when you’ll need it). Taking a slight hit on ROI in exchange for liquidity and stability is worth it. It’s kind of like buying insurance — you’re paying for peace of

Welp, my friends and family are going to find me even more insufferable now that all of my Seinfeld references will now be accompanied by a graphic.

This is a “fun grandpa” car. I can picture the ideal owner for this, and he’s the lifelong car guy who doesn’t enjoy working on cars as much as he used to. He wants that fun weekend car without the hassle of having to tinker with it to get it running. He can drive a manual and still enjoys it, but he’s not out to set

I get what you’re saying, but people still got sick in 2019, they still went to the hospital in 2019, and they still died in 2019. If you’re targeting zero cases, then you’re setting the goal too aggressively. A more realistic target is an acceptable level of risk.