Is there a way to toggle on street names or landmark labels? The heat map is really cool, but without a frame of reference, I don’t know how to get to all the cool new trails I’m discovering.
Is there a way to toggle on street names or landmark labels? The heat map is really cool, but without a frame of reference, I don’t know how to get to all the cool new trails I’m discovering.
Old joke:
This is excellent username/comment synergy.
It’s weird to me that there’s this expectation that people not pursue opportunities that they want out of some compulsion to appear humble, then act all surprised and fake-flattered when they get it.
That’s a good point and a difference that I hadn’t previously considered.
Good advice about the bathroom fan and the temperature differential. Air has to come from somewhere, so if your only source is outside, you could be doing more harm than good by running fans that pull in warmer air.
Is The Woman in the Window meant to be similar to Hitchcock’s Rear Window? Because I’d watch that. I’ll probably check it out.
you’ll want to make sure they are free of chemicals from the factory
I once encountered an applicant who copied the entire text of the job posting and pasted it into the bottom of his resume. I suspect that he was trying to capture every possible keyword in the posting. It fooled the computers because his application made it through the filters, but as soon as a human laid eyes on…
The concept of conservatorship, and more accurately the opportunity for the system to be abused, is pretty scary to me.
It’s a tricky balance because resumes are being read not only by individuals but also by computers as part of the hiring process.
Here’s some information (updated just this morning) on what the CDC recommends for vaccinated people:
“I’m assuming that all of these SNL people simply aren’t looking forward to a week in the office having to humor some random rich guy with zero self-awareness. Solidarity.”
I think there’s some hindsight benefits at work when it comes to SNL. When it airs live, it’s an hour and a half long, but reruns are trimmed down to just an hour. A third of the content is trimmed, and you can bet that they’re not cutting the good stuff. So when watching a rerun on Comedy Central, it’s easy to say…
When I was younger, I liked Tabasco because it was the only hot sauce that I knew. My parents didn’t like spicy foods (My dad used to, though. At one time he even owned a little hot pepper plant on the windowsill that he’d use to grow extremely hot tiny little peppers that he’d use for cooking certain dishes. At some…
I didn’t buy anything that I haven’t used. In fact, I had the opposite problem — I wasn’t about to go to a grocery store, and Instacart appointments were scarce, so I wound up eating things that I’d bought long ago but had completely forgotten about. My favorite was an unlabeled pasta dish that I found in my freezer.…
I love the smokey chipotle flavor of Tabasco!
I can’t even handle the previews. Seeing grown adults attempting to portray children just makes my skin crawl. I have a similar aversion to the Hulu show Pen15 and SNL skits where members of the cast portray kids. The concept skeeves me out in an uncanny valley way.