I've never had almond butter, but it sounds tasty! I'll try it! Thanks for the tip!
I've never had almond butter, but it sounds tasty! I'll try it! Thanks for the tip!
I’ll admit that I often like ordering through a tablet or kiosk. It takes some of the pressure off of me by allowing me to take my time, knowing that I’m not making somebody wait.
Has anyone in the comments visited any of the museum piece turbine cars? Which museums currently house them? I’ve always wanted to see one of these in person.
I did several paint-by-numbers paintings and built a few Lego sets over the past year. Both were delightfully relaxing during a stressful time and helped me to rediscover some of the joys of my childhood.
I haven’t been in a TJ’s in a long time, but the last time I was there, I loved their little peanut butter cups. They were made with real peanut butter — not the crumbly stuff that Reese’s uses — similar to the Kirkland peanut butter cups that Costco seems to have discontinued.
On the flip side of this, while I am very enthusiastic about getting my vaccine, when it is my turn I intend to keep it pretty low-key. Not only do I not want to invite these types of questions, but I also don’t want to be the cause of “vaccine envy” if I’m able to get it ahead of my friends. There’s no point in…
Ah, I see what you mean, and I agree — it seems that final “slice of cheese” (the mask) would provide diminishing returns when the other slices (one party being vaccinated, outdoors, maintaining distance) are in place.
Your second story deserves a Pulitzer.
It’s the “swiss cheese” model of protection.
It took me a second, but I lol’d
I like the stories about the competitors who attempted to release 1/3-pound burgers but failed because they did not take into account the poor math skills of the average American.
I’m one of those weirdos who prefers his burgers to be cooked well done, so multiple thin patties are appealing to me because they’re easier to cook through without drying them out or charring the outside too much.
That looks like a cartoon, and I love it!
I misread the headline and thought that this was going to be about cooking breakfast potatoes. I have never written a hashtag, so this article is not for me, but perhaps it’s the place for my to ask just how people use hashtags — because that’s something I’ve never quite understood.
This isn’t exactly what you’re describing (not marketed as “chicken fried steak” or anything), but there’s a cool restaurant in Seattle called Katsu Burger that specializes in battered/fried hamburgers.
I hope I can make one for my friend named Pepsi.
I liked going to car shows to take pictures of interesting cars in the before times, and if I saw this car, I would carefully angle my shots to avoid even getting it in the background of pictures of better looking cars. To me it looks like a 1st gen Cavalier.
I tried de-scaling a cheap drip coffeemaker many years ago using diluted vinegar. The results were underwhelming, and the process made my house stink of vinegar for days. I wound up just buying a new $20 coffeemaker instead.