
Cadillac Elmiraj.

Was your friend’s mom hot?

It’s a Kia, nothing of value would have been lost.

Isn’t a high schooler wanting his knee to grow? Why is this so offensive? What’s next, libtards....”Moan Key”, “Whet Back”, and “Pour Chum On Key” gunna be your next targets?

“If you can’t beat us on the court . . . “

Haywood Jablome

Oh man. Have a heart.

A Milford player who sometimes falls and “isn’t the best player” was taunted with verbal insults from Kings on the court and a group of five teens in the stands.

1st: I never thought I’d see the price of GM cobalts go up.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

more like one 195/75/14

So that’s where someone would draw the line on ticketable offenses?

Couldn’t this whole situation have been avoided had he called and informed the police in the first place?

Yeah not mentioning her name in the show was distracting. I assumed it was Sabine.

I think we bought the 10 pack and had leftovers. I was 17. My appetite was like a bear preparing for winter.

The new Colorado and Ranger are the size of older full size trucks.

They were tied up from someone who could have been in genuine harm that wasn’t of their own doing.

That’s your take? A guy voluntarily sticks his head in a microwave, fills it with an expanding, hardening substance, and then films it with the intention of profiting from it... and you come away from all of that saying that the FIRE DEPARTMENT should be ashamed of themselves for calling out his idiocy?

Have you done any research into drug addiction or, frankly, ever seen a decent film/TV show about addiction or the military? Drug addiction in veterans is often either a way of self-treating PTSD or other issues resulting from their time in service/combat or something they picked up while deployed. This is highly

That’s probably why it’s mostly in a trust fund.