Not Briggs & Stratton?
Not Briggs & Stratton?
You have a good story, just not “dead body” good.
Mine was an 85 I think. The rear seat was bolted down over one of the seatbelts, I found a hammer in the door panel, and the dashboard was held on by gravity. And yet that car was a superstar.
I’d give a bunch more stars if I could (just for the memories) because I had a silver one like that but a few years newer.
In their defense, they’re really close to having that self-driving mode perfected
I had an idea after my car got broken into and my stereo stolen, but I think it would work just as well for a car-theft deterrent. Instead of one of those steering wheel locks, just drape a dingy pair of old tighty whities over the steering wheel.
ahh...the benefits of a supple suspension!
I like the 80's version, mostly because it looks like its in a full body cast but still managed to make it to Karate practice
We had the rebadged Chevy version of this. I’ve never been in more of a Clark Kent/Superman vehicle than this...shift it into 4wd and that thing became a little bulldog.
My dad owned the original Dart, back before I was born and I remember riding in it until I was maybe 9 or 10. When this new generation was introduced the US auto industry had just gone through some really hard times and I had just bought a GTI. For a while I felt a little guilty buying a VW when US makers needed my…
I was a suburban kid with either no busses or no need for busses depending where I was living at the time. We went to visit relatives in Milwaukee one summer, and my cousin invited us downtown and to get there we had to take the city bus. “Don’t stare, and don’t make eye-contact” were the instructions he gave us, and…
I read your original post a few days ago and I’m still pissed at Walter
I rotated my own tires, and because I couldn’t get the lugs tight enough on the jack I waited until the tires were on the pavement to tighten them. Or so went the plan. In reality I made it the three miles to work, when in the parking lot my car started driving like it was doing a hula. I tightened the lugs right…
I’m not saying it was hot yesterday, but when I sat down in my car after a day in the sun (and black leather seats) the casual observer might have thought I just looked into the Ark of the Covenant.
I think I had a model of that UOP car when I was little. I remember saying “Mom! How do you say ‘UOP’?”
Golden retriever people>stereo nerds
bullshit bullshit bullshit...oh, wait! You picked a pretty good car for me, and your vague description of my personality traits are close enough to give you a mental fist-bump. But it’s still bullshit!
I drive a Chevy Volt, and the most unexpectedly satisfying aspect is the silence. I was excited to finally have Android Auto, but hardly ever use it. I’ve almost always used the windows to cool the cabin rather than the A/C, but not up=even more silence.
chong chong chong chong