dug deep

Ha!  I always wondered why my parents wouldn’t let me in the car with Grandpa driving, until the one time he insisted he drive us all somewhere.  We’re on a two lane country highway when he stops in the middle and begins to back up.  He wanted to see what kind of animal it was dead in the road.

Ours were the second set of tracks through a foot of fresh snow climbing up from Ouray, but thankfully in a Subaru Forester.  I was very careful to never break traction (all-weather tires rather than snow tires) and luckily conditions improved the higher we went.  Looking out the window did nothing for my wife’s

The last time I talked to my dad in person I had no idea just how long he had left. He and Mom had exhausted all treatment options and decided they would just let the cancer take it’s course. That day we’d gone bowling, and once again he’d beat me handily so I was optimistic we’d see each other a couple more times. We

Colorado Springs->O’Hare->Montreal. 6am flight out of COS. Plane boarded and we sit. Turns out there was an early tempest of a storm in Chicago which screwed up all of their flights. So we are told our connections will be missed and we should deplane and rebook. I’m last in line at the counter and after standing

Never made a bad car?  Uhhh...Elio?

I’ve finally broken free of my abusive relationship with VW

I’m totally the opposite on the “they all look the same” school of thought because to some extent it’s always been that way. I can kinda pick out a Model T from a group of other cars from the era, but it’s mostly guessing. Back in the ‘50's they all had chrome, tail fins, etc., and from a distance it is hard to tell

“Well it just goes to show you, it’s always something, you either got a toenail in your hamburger or toilet paper clinging to your shoe.”

I think about $480...for a leased Outback, but with extenuating circumstances. A few years previous my wife and I wanted to explore fire roads in the mountains and bought a used Chevy Tracker...just a couple of years old, barely any miles and reasonably priced, though we still had to finance it. Of course depreciation

I’ll be in the market in a few months and I keep going back and forth between a Bolt and a Volt. The scenario is I’ll be living in an isolated smallish town, but with a garage where I can easily recharge from most of my driving. Either choice would work, but the trips to the city would require a charge to make it back

I’ve been driving my daughter’s 20 yr old MDX with navigation, it’s like watching someone else play Pacman 

I’ll ask

Less of an issue these days, but whatever it takes get the alloy wheels.  Steel wheels are okay sometimes, but NEVER get the plastic wheel covers. They’re the velcro shoes of the automotive world.

Someone in our office building drives a shiny new one of these things. I’m over 6' and can’t see the top of the hood, nor can I see properly when I back out in my MDX.  I’ve never met the owner, but each time I see that truck I think “what a dumbass”

The key word is “unidentified”. If you identify it, it no longer meets the definition.  

I was with you until the three years I had to drop off my daughter at middle school. Stop and go traffic up a steep hill...every friggin day

Time to go ta cherch, enna?

You reminded me of the time I was driving a ‘12 GTI and a friend offered to let me try his old, first gen, non-turbo Boxter with Tiptronic shifting. Two days later I was still thinking about that Porsche.

Now playing

I expected 50 or so people to have posted this dickish Cadillac ad. Ugh, I thank god I’m nothing like this douche.

See “Nice Price or No Dice” for illustration