dug deep

Exactly! I didn’t even want the nav, because I’m smart enough to use my phone for such things.  

I test drove a base model 2017 Infiniti QX50. Low miles, fair price...I was interested. The last step was to see how well it fit in my garage, so I took it on one last test drive. It fit fine, so I decided to commit. And since I was committing, I may as well connect my phone and listen to Spotify on my way back to the

Oh, it slows people down.  To the point you need to pack a lunch to get to the grocery store

Thank you...I’ve got a friend in St Albans, I now know to take public transportation when I visit.


Welcome to Colorado Springs, where our diverging diamonds do NOT have lights timed correctly.  It’s keeping with the theme of not having ANY lights timed correctly.  

Colorado Springs has roads that were designed by developers. Developers think everyone wants to drive on a winding road, with the frustrating result that the roads don’t go anywhere. The only place I’ve seen more confusing roads are in medieval towns, where roads were made on top of goat paths. I’ve been in areas here

(they still sell them!)

The version of “no” that begins with the letter “F

The Jetta. What was once an attractive and unique silhouette today just says “car”.

My first thought was the Forester (my wife had a manual, and it was a great car), but the Renegade is a good thought as well.  I have an illogical love for Renegades, despite thinking the wheels always look one size too small.

I was racing to be the first, but like Racer X I’ll have to settle for second place

When I was a kid growing up in Wisconsin, the coolest job in the world was snow plow driver. They’d come racing down our street at 70 mph pushing a perfect pipeline curl of snow. Now you’ve informed me it’s not 70 mph, it’s 25.  

I raced on a Slingshot for a couple of years. Neat party trick was mine folded...detach the cable and there was a piece at the top tube/seat tube juncture that allowed the seat tube to rotate. I can’t picture it exactly anymore, but it was a cool feature I used exactly once.

Don’t the fords have a feature that when you let off the clutch without using the accelerator the engine revs a bit on its own?  Seems like that would be the car to teach stick on.

My wife had a Fox. Probably the only car I’ve ever driven that’s had EVERY SINGLE part on it replaced.

I just assumed he used it because it was paid off

I taught my daughter in my GTI, but I think I made the job harder on myself.  The first time she stalled it I said “you killed the engine”.  She thought I meant she’d destroyed the engine and started to panic

Truth to power, but I feel like the author should dye his hair, and maybe grow a mustache.

I spent most of my life waiting for the day these big, dumb, inefficient rectangles would go away.