dug deep

Another bit of brilliance...I saw an interview once with Ricardo Montalbán discussing the name “Cordoba”. His father was from a town called “CORDoba”, but no, he was told by Chrysler. It’s pronounced “corDOba”


I haven’t watched EVERY car movie, but the worst I can remember is Used Cars, with Kurt Russel cast as the used car dealer/hero of the movie.

My first girlfriend had a white one just like this.  Brought back some memories, including crawling under the car in the dark to try to fix the hydraulic clutch so she could get home.

Somewhere in Iowa...


The Crosstrek comes in a purple-ish/greyish/bluish color. The first time my daughter saw it she called it “pblgrbl” (pibblegribble). Wouldn’t otherwise be my favorite color, but now it kinda is.

Bent bumper on my old Dodge Ram 50 from getting rear-ended. It had pushed the right side of the bumper down about 2 inches, but still completely solid. I tried jacking it from the bumper and jumping on it, but it wouldn’t budge. And I had no issue with it passing inspection for a year or two, but then one year the

I heard that the first automotive recall in history was because Henry Ford used Spanish moss as stuffing for seat cushions.  The chiggers living in the moss weren’t too happy about that.

It better be called the Sony Driveman

I like these in a “hey, here’s an idea I don’t think anyone has tried”/”function follows form” sort of way.  

Getting roasted by Kristen is evidence of a life well-lived.

Can’t say it’s the BEST casting, but it’s one of my favorites. Hardcastle and McCormick’s Cody Coyote

A nice leather wrap for that old sticky plastic steering wheel

James Bond/AMC Hornet.

How long have you been waiting for this moment?

Paul Simon made his pilgrimage to Graceland, but it was too far out of my way.  But there’s this...

I had an old KHS singlespeed with a rigid fork and a rubber-eyeball-seatstay rear suspension.  T’was indeed pointless, but a wonderful novelty.

I almost (but not quite) miss being able to lock up the brakes.  The sound of squealing tires is FAR more effective than a horn if you’re stuck behind a jackass

I always called Toyota’s C-HR “chair”