dug deep

My wife is French Canadian and she’s been accused of stealing American jobs. Her job? She’s a French teacher.  

I rode in a friend’s jeep to go hiking... we drove rutted dirt roads and crossed a creek to get there. When we got to the trail head we parked next to a Miata.

You know, when I was younger I’d see older guys in sports cars with beautiful young women and think “how pathetic”.  As the years have passed, I now think “how heroic”

I made a joke once that Harley owners were either people who were lawyers who didn’t want to look like lawyers, OR people who weren’t lawyers who DID want to look like lawyers. I made that joke to a Harley-riding lawyer who either didn’t get or didn’t see the humor. Tough courtroom.

First is to cover the thin, aged, and sticky plastic steering wheel with a leather cover. The kind you have to thread on, not the cheap form-fitted ones.

Agree with those points, but will add that many many people live with very little snow, but ski regularly. So, what...switch tires twice a month to go ski? Wear down your snow tires by doing most of your driving on warm, clean roads? Should my daughter stash her summer tires in her dorm room? 

I feel like this is editorializing...

This brings back some memories, I had the same car but in a weird teal sort of color. In the six or so years I had it it left me stranded once because of a bad distributer, which I guess is a weak spot for these since the tow driver knew immediately what was wrong. Otherwise, the perfect car (except for putting the


Yeah, Torch did an article on it a couple months back.  Honestly I’m not worried about long term damage on an 18 year old car.

Deep Woods Off to get rid of the haze on the headlights. We bought our daughter an older (than her) MDX, the sales guy apologized and explained they just didn’t have the budget to replace the lenses. Instead he said he had a trick that would work for a while...he sprayed bug spray onto a rag, and...holy crap! We’ve

Has to be my old 87 Jetta. I bought it mid-90's and I thought it was such a deal, only 28k miles but the paint so badly faded it felt like a chalk board. Well, when cars sit undriven in the elements things degrade. The head gasket went and somehow blew compression into the radiator. It took every bit of savings,

I love the 928, but the first sight of this one made me say “ew”, followed by “that poor car!”

Seriously. People are spending 20k+ on old campers, vehicles that should be worth nothing except they have a built in mattress and fridge.  I’m stunned car companies are leaving all the profit to the little fish.

At least this car came with the optional gauge cluster hook. I believe that’s to hold the piece of plywood used to cover up the warning lights.

In the late ‘80's, an ex girlfriend bought a brand new Hyundai and called it “a good investment”

Yeah, me too, but it was at the top of a steep hill so I could get away. It saved me from finding out if he was trying to protect his females or make me one of them

My uncle got me a set of deer whistles because I’d just had my second near miss...on my mountain bike.

A couple years ago I was driving to pick up my daughter from school when a fast-moving front rolled in, and within the blink of an eye the wind whipped up and started blowing dust and sand all around. Some movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention, my brain telling me it was a trash bag or something being