dug deep

The ONLY proper response to someone reclining in front of you is to blast the AC at the top of their head.  

That would only happen if all the good colors were Taycan

And why do shoes still have laces?!

My dad’s mechanical skills got me into bicycle racing.  Mom would say “go help your dad”, dad would say “help or stay out of the way”, I would choose the latter and go for a bike ride.

My old pickup had a battery that would die if it got below freezing, so I always parked on a hill.  The one time that didn’t work was when it got down to like -10 and I couldn’t get the truck to roll fast enough.

I love the styling!

I heard a “friend of a friend” sort of story about a guy who welded his spare tire well into an auxiliary gas tank. Evidently he loved to drive, hated to get gas and figured out a way to drive half the country on one tank.

There is no cooler way to carry your skis

Excellent article. My first car was a ‘73 Type 3 fastback, and I knew about plenty of idiosyncrasies (oil bath air filter, fuel injection, spare tire-powered wiper fluid...) but this is the first time I’ve ever heard of the ECU.  I remember my car went through voltage regulators like most people go through Q-Tips.  I

I worked for a company where the VP I worked under drove a 15 year old accord with faded paint.  I took this as a positive sign.

I like it!

Electric motor/manual transmission. I’m thinking along these lines...

I finally learned that the sales guy who comes out first isn’t the one you have to stick with. There are many instances I can think of where I should have gone inside and requested a smarter sales person.

Weird, I was just thinking about this

That might fix the need for a 30-point turn getting into a parking spot

I need a car with a kilometerometer.

I neeeeaaaaarly bought one of these in the mid ‘90's, but balked back then because the price was...$5000.  I kind of regret it, because the cheaper car I bought instead ended up costing much more than 5k in repairs, but I digress.  I love these and wish I would have bought one, but this particular example looks like

Looks more like Tron.  So retro!

If I had a Delorean I’d drive it...ahem...from time to time.

I keep hearing horror stories, yet I can’t make it to the corner without seeing one on the road.