dug deep

I love the idea of a reborn Saab, but at some point spending more for less just seems like a company asking you for a favor they don’t deserve.

I bought a 10-year-old car with 23000 miles. It nearly broke me financially with all the shit that went wrong. I even had a mechanic inspect it before I bought it, he said “what could go wrong on a car with so few miles?”. Shame it wasn’t this sportcross though, that’d be worth it.

I totally agree. I see a car like this, I seldom even look at it to see who made it, how much it costs, that sort of thing. I’ll never see one, never drive one, and I don’t really care. I’m a car guy...just not this sort of car.

My sister got my great aunt’s china set, even though she didn’t want it and I did. Weird, considering I was a 30-year-old male at the time (I’ve aged, though I’m still male). She and I worked out a trade, I would buy her new plates, she’d give me the china set. It’s a British set, made by Spode, and the way my mom

I have 10 year old shoes that still have that “new shoe” smell. Nice, but not the super power I would have chosen.

In my pre-cupholder days I went with an extra pair of shoes. 2 shoes=2 cupholders

18 cupholders and one urinal

“Electric Mini” sounds like a euphemism 

If I had the resources, I’d buy these just to park in my own field.

seldom do I literally LOL.

Seeing that crank reminded me of the time I had just rented a car and was driving out of the parking garage. When I got to the gate to show my paperwork I couldn’t find the button to get the window down. I looked on the door’s armrest, I looked in the center console...nothing. So I opened the door and yelled to the

Looks like the gear lever is going to hit the seat. How very “Renault”.

Window cranks of the future!

You know, after Ben Collins left TG I was really hoping they’d do away with the Stig. I love the concept of the Stig, I just felt it became old and tired

My first car was a Type3 Fastback, and people (ok, once or twice) would ask “Is that the 411?”. Of course I would reply with harsh language...and then I’d get back to replacing the voltage regulator.

Hell yeah! My mom bought an ‘84 Wolfsburg, that WAS GOING TO BE MINE until she nosed too far into an intersection and had the front end swiped off by a truck. Damn...when I close my eyes I can still smell the interior of that car.

Neutral: A cool looking steering wheel and gauges. Lexus hit a home run with the IS300, same with the MkVI GTI. The radio and heater controls? Whatever.

First thought: “Ick”

My friend’s dad used to drive us to school in an old Corolla and I thought the car was really cool, even then. Something about the trunk I thought was done right style-wise. Yet the way my friend’s dad used to shift - he’d never get it above 2k rpms in the first three gears - makes me associate old Corollas with

Did you mark your territory?