I was over 3D when I lost the disk that came with my Viewmaster.
I was over 3D when I lost the disk that came with my Viewmaster.
@big_marky_t: Feel free. Originality is often undetected plagiarism. If you don't tell, no one will know.
That guy would HATE the signs I leave behind:
Don't go through a puddle... you'll splash that ipad/laptop/folio of paper with mud!
@Anonymoose: Thundercats.... Hoooooh!
@mtfmuffins: Aziz.... LIGHT!!!!
Wait till they get the bill for the lighting cost...
@evolutionxbox: Letterman records all shows before a live studio audience. Always has.
@esprit-follet: Let's see you get outside, plant, water, and weed REAL plants in a REAL garden.
@chauncy that billups: Yes... but we haven't yet figured out how to make scrith, so we're stuck with the moon.
@Bubkes: Large blocks of ice (say a plastic bowl or two you filled the night before and froze) last longer than ice cubes.
I had a user who would forward voicemail messages this way:
Can I put them in my iPhone?
I hear that if you turn a blue laser on a crowd of teenagers waiting to get into a showing of a "Twilight" film, they'll turn to dust...
Hmm... doesn't this make it more valuable? Like those defective Beanie Babies that people paid hundr.......
@ZeDudeAbides: Hmmm.... Must be Italian....
Why do I get the feeling we'll be seeing this on MTV "Cribs" someday...
@SewerShark: Totally agree. If you need to stand up a toothbrush, put it in a drinking glass that you wash out periodically.
Doesn't this sound like the "spin welder" toy that came out in the 70's?
Hey... if it can withstand the 300+ MPH winds, not deform, and still stay on, I'd have to say it's probably ok.