
Fair enough- in that case, why should anyone call the “campus police” if they’re not prepared to examine evidence?

Why on Earth would a rape victim feel comfortable calling university cops if the campus doesn’t even have a rape kit? Reporting time and an immediate medical examination are often the only things that will keep an accusation from being “he said, she said.” This is nuts!

Me too- it works like a charm.

Absolutely true- it’s one of those drugs that sometimes acts in a sort of egg-chicken fashion, where stopping the spasm cold weakens the muscles, which causes fewer spasms, etc. Same is true for tension headaches. It decreases the spasms, which winds up decreasing the stress and tension, which in turn decreases the

Do male anchors wear skinny jeans and 1880's blacksmith beards down to their belly buttons? I’m not necessarily against hipsters reading the news, but it is something that will take the general public a few years to wrap their minds around.

The issue here appears to be that she was attempting to look like a hipster. I’m not sure that if a male anchor wore skinny jeans, he wouldn’t be criticized as well.

In the labor movement, going back a century, there were literally hundreds of murders- mafia killings, feds shooting miners in West Virginia, etc. This is a very, very emotionally charged movement, so we really need to see how things play out.

Well, he was “pragmatic” in a relative sense in that he seemed to want to focus only on the idea of police brutality, nothing else. Aside from that, he seemed completely nuts.

If he had dirt on the city that hadn’t been uncovered by either the press or BLM- it’s possible.

That’s not exactly tinfoil hat conspiracy. There are radical disagreements within the Black Lives Matter movement and I’m sure there’s money involved, as well as political jockying. Enough for someone to be shot? Don’t know. But, you get this in almost every nascent political organization.

I’m guessing this is the result of a power struggle from within the various branches of Black lives Matter and Movement for Black Lives. Once organizations get big enough, money and corruption often trump ideals.

There are some radical disagreements within the “Black Lives Matter” movement right now between the pragmatists, who would like to actually solve the problem of police brutality through community policing, body cameras, accountability, etc- and those who have proposals they know will never be taken seriously- like

You just did.

The DA here in Austin was charged with drunk driving and resisting arrest and spent a few months in the Travis County Jail.

I’m beginning to worry about the 50-80 odd million people who usually don’t vote and who are now apparently registered. Yeah, Hillary likely has this in the bag, and Trump would have to really run the tables all over the midwest, Virginia and Florida to win. But I’m not worried about Miami and Philadelphia and

University cops are wonderful for fleshing out dorm or co-op disputes and breaking up fights at parties. Rape and murder? Not so much.

If hiking were given as much importance in our society as football, we’d have way fewer problems.

I wonder if the victims should call the municipal police instead- cops who aren’t beholden to the politics of a specific institution. University police can be put under pressure by a corrupt administration in ways that local police cannot. The rapist who is a college basketball star to university police is just some

France is trying to protect women from family members who are forcing them to wear religious clothing. Sometimes under threat of violence. This is a much bigger deal in France than in the US.

Good- then those of us who are Americans should focus on the before condemning France for trying to protect women from family members who are forcing them to wear religious clothing.