According to Trump, these women have “nothing to lose.”
According to Trump, these women have “nothing to lose.”
Agree completely- the situation in France vis a vis extreme Islam cannot be understood from an American perspective, just as our puritanical desire to require women to wear tops on the beach cannot be completely understood from a European perspective.
I agree. France has a different situation than we do here in the states vis a vis extreme Islam. I’d never tell France they cannot ban the burkini, as I wouldn’t expect them to tell us we’re foolish to require women to wear tops (although that is foolish.)
My god- this makes me long for the 80's, when patrician wasps like Brent Scowcroft, Jack Kemp and Bob Dole represented the Republican party. A major shame that the Republicans are committing death by a thousand soundbites, as a two party system is a healthy way of checking corruption on both sides of the aisle.