
Also the bells don’t do shit because cats are perfect murder machines and it’s like putting a bell on the Terminator

Yeah, this article doesn’t take into account the question of what should be done when cats have been introduced by humans to an ecosystem that wasn’t, for lack of a better word, designed for them. I don’t want to hear about lots of cats being killed either, but how are birds’ lives any less important?

Feral cats, plus rats and the mongoose have decimated native bird populations here in Hawaii, species that are only found here. This reduces biodiversity and damages the overall health of the ecosystem. I get that you love cats, I love cats too, but you’re argument is scientifically way off. Like, shockingly off for a

I’ll just let my dogs kill all your cats. I mean they’re predators tha need to hunt. F cats and cat people.

If you want to do nature now that you’re rich and don’t have to do a job...

Nature means survival of the fittest, and if cats are killing birds in the billions and threatening bird species, maybe your shitty Crested Flimcock isn’t meant to survive.

...focus on climate change, which could kill all the birds and all the humans too. Leave my damn cat alone.

I’m a big proponent for TNR for feral cats. I think it’s the proper way to go. But there is certainly an ethical and moral argument for the euthanasia of feral cats. They are an invasive species that wrecks havoc on local populations. It is a common practice to not allow the release of invasive species. Do you not

OK, mea culpa here. I’ve done some more looking and it seems like we’ve studied TNR more than the last time I was reading up on it. Apparently it’s pretty controversial for the reason you’re mentioning.

As a cat owner you are probably infected with toxoplasmosis, a parasite that literally warps the mammalian mind to focus on the cats -its preferred host and vector of transmission- to the exclusion of all else. The parasite wants you to coddle your cat and to let it roam so it can infect others. You are not fit

Not that I advocate killing cats, but why does trap-neuter-release work while trap-kill does not in addressing the problem? How does putting a neutered cat back into bird-killing circulation make things better?

If the feral cats fight us and win then they can survive—that’s what I got out of that line.

Nature means survival of the fittest, and if cats are killing birds in the billions and threatening bird species, maybe your shitty Crested Flimcock isn’t meant to survive.

This is a fucking stupid take.

Let me get this straight: You support cats, an invasive species, wiping out native wildlife populations because feral cats getting killed hurts your fee fees? If you can’t keep your cat from killing other animals, maybe pet ownership isn’t for you.

Domesticated cats are a potentially devastating invasive species. Ban cats.

Does anyone remember the Vet who shot the feral cat and how the entire Internet world destroyed her online?