
It was probably cat people that turned the rats loose to try to “prove” that cats “need to be everywhere.” That’s how they play.

Before or after the snake population rebounds?

He was the General Custer of kitty-cats...

Today, these cats are pretty and can actually be sold for real money. In the future, they too will be running around outside as low-maintenance pets just like tabbies. Cat farmers are so predictable.

I dislike having to take a “writing person” like this Libby Watson seriously, but this is the kind of ignorance level that sits in the driver seat of animal control policy and enforcement in the US these days. Meanwhile, Australia has a responsible national government which is putting public health and the environment

You know how free-roaming dogs aren’t tolerated as much as free-roaming cats, and yet we DON’T have quite the surplus numbers of dogs as we do cats? Pitbulls are the breed that comes closest to being the exception to this, but like cats the enforcement against illegal breeding and hoarding is very poor. “Heartless”

This is what trying to have a conversation with you people is like all right. What percentage of outdoor cats need to be neutered to arrest their population growth or reverse it? Where have these sterilization rates ever been achieved? Thanks for admitting a feral cat’s life isn’t that long, now list all the torturous