
Did Hulu drop Justified, Terriers and The Americans? Because those shows are excellent.

He’s already in a terrorist cult, so it would barely be acting. 

Burning was an excellent movie and deserves more recognition and respect.

Spoiler Alert

And “Callaghan’s film wouldn’t be the first documentary about January 6 from HBO. Last year, they released the six-part Q: Into The Storm documentary,”*

If Emily hasn’t signed that contract yet, she might want to watch Bullet Train first. 💩 

It is a “hilarious” idea, but I don’t know about “timely.”

Now playing

No. Can’t be right. Catwoman got released. Daredevil got released.

Literally has literally been used as emphasis for hundreds of years.

Eric Holder is the former Attorney General under Obama. Alex Holder is the director of this documentary. 

Do they? As the boyfriend, shouldn’t Gene be the prime suspect? Maybe he’s just trying to pin it on Barry?

Venntel, X-Mode, Near, Mobilewalla, etc all sell location information. Some are real time and some are historic. One of the companies sells to ICE for immigration enforcement. You, me and Dupree are being tracked. 

Or Sally Field having sex with the principal to keep her son in school. Or the whole aids plot line. It’s a pretty subversive movie.

That’s great news.

1. I’ll go with Albert is FBI and got a warrant to track Barry’s phone or he paid a private service to do it. 

In real life he’s likely not going to prison for that. It was entrapment. Maybe they get him for breaking and entering? It wasn’t his gun. A good lawyer explains that Barry thought he had just stopped Gene Cousineau from killing Mr. Moss and wanted to warn Moss, but was afraid that Moss might be armed and waiting, so

I hit it big with his suggestion to grow tuna with the mayonnaise already inside them. 

Ahh. Thank you. 

Terriers was so good. Terrible name for such an awesome show.