
...Xanax addiction is serious shit. Once you take a high enough dosage you can go psychotic, blackout for days at a time, and when the shit wears off you can die from the withdrawal. It's one of the most dangerous drugs around, honestly.

I've been using Anno 2070 to treat my SimCity addiction. Its been going well, actually!

Just started reading this book last night. It's good! I still don't get the point of sponsors, but hopefully that'll be better explained once they actually gen involved in the story...

I'm sure she knows she's rich. She's just an idiot. If you have money, and someone asks you if you're rich, you obviously don't want to say "Oh, yeah. I'm rich as hell". But you also don't want to deny it... You need to say something like "Oh I know I'm very lucky, but I try not to let the money define who I am as a

Gizmodo ———-> Whiny-rant-modo

I'd be pissed at that girl if she was my kid. At three years old you really should know that magnetic balls aren't food... And how does it make sense to eat 37 of them?

It doesn't, but it has pseudo-ephedrine, which is used to make meth. The more you know!

they'll give you a free one if you complain

I could see that being extremely useful if you have arthritis, Parkinson's, or other similar problems controlling your hands.

they look just like the vials that liquid acid and pcp come in. But yeah, any good rave isn't gonna give a shit.

Yes. Yes I do want to hear!

>My first time with four loko

My sleep schedule is so jacked up right now that I go to bed around 7 in the morning and wake up around 3 in the afternoon. Basically the most extreme night owl. And I can attest to the fact that I don't even feel the affects of caffeine until I've had 4 or 5 cups of coffee. And I only drink caffeine like a few times

"And because today is leap year we're handing out little frogs."

So it seems someone had a little too much free time. Or perhaps too much coffee. Or both!

that stuff is disgusting

lol is this claim not made every generation?

Walmart carries too many products. What an indecisive corporation they are.

What's stopping me from taking a helicopter to the top?

I go to UVA. There really aren't that many nice cars like... at all. My 2010 Ford Taurus is one of the nicest cars.