She didn’t miss it, she ignored it because you were rude.
She didn’t miss it, she ignored it because you were rude.
The hell makes you think I care about how much hardware Nintendo sells? This could crash and burn and I wouldn’t give two damns.
Here we go, we got a winner here!
SJW = check
Mainstream media = check
Hate coming from the marginalized group = check
Ding ding ding, you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about
On so many fucking levels. Telling you you’re an asshole for thinking gay people deserve fewer rights is not “hate”. Bullying, telling LGBT kids they are fucked up and beyond redemption, driving them to suicide, discriminatory laws, etc., that’s “hate.”
Go fuck yourself.
Yes, like lots of ”Christians”in this country they claim tolerance and love and then act in a way that goes against that
You’re wrong on almost every level. Chick-fil-A is a privately held company and its profits have been used, and almost certainly continue to be used, to support anti-LGBTQ causes. Dan Cathy isn’t just a hired-gun CEO; he and his family own the company.
Cathy is baptist garbage and they donated 2 million of the profits they made from the store to anti gay groups through the Winshape foundation.
“5 people fired”
Except the gaming landscape is made up of more casuals then hard core players. Hard core players are not the target audience especially with massive games like destiny. You have that crap attitude that all elitist have.
This is someone who clearly hates everything about themselves except the fact that they’re good at videogames
Actually most of what you’re hearing is “fucking chill”. But hey, being mad on the internet is fun I guess.
I feel like you’re waaaay over reading this.
You could work on your movement, game sense, and aim all you want, but at the end of the day what’s the point when you can just strap on a jotunn or erentil or whatever and do the same thing?
Holy shit dude, take a breath.
Spoken like someone who has no concept of real-life obligations limiting one’s leisure time.
And when those of us that are gainfully employed stop buying those games and you can’t get them anymore I don’t wanna hear any more of your tears.
Hell, I didn’t want to hear these tears.