Dudius Maximus

Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.

Friend, trash can be the most wonderful thing in the world when it comes to entertainment. Revel in the camp and cheese! Some of the best things ever are soaked in the stuff. 

Judging from past experience, I’m going to say Nintendo is probably not aiming for the same experience as other VR products.

i mean this is clearly for little kids

I think you're waiting for Nintendo Lab-ia.

You’re right. I just don’t see how this will work with that very realistic high resolution cardboard.


The issue is that the story in the movie is 95% untrue. These two men were never friends; the driver was fired after 2 months. Mr. Shirley was not estranged from his family, didn’t have issues with his Blackness (the idea that he needed to learn to accept himself is absurd), didn’t need to be taught about Black

Trump is usually three white sheets to the wind.

Oh, yeah? Huh. Now, how did I know Spike Lee would be the one person singled out by Trump?

Any professional golfer or professional caddy or any good friend of either knows how the gig works and wouldn’t think twice about paying out the standard 10% cut. You stiff a caddy on the Tour and you’ll be lucky if you pick one up at the next stop. I guess you don’t tip in bars or restaurants either, especially if

Here’s a cold take: go fuck yourself.

First he was a replacement caddy

Why is Kuchar not obligated to pay his caddy the going rate just because it’s not his usual caddy? 

But my dude, you call yourself Jase. Like, marinate on that. But, no, seriously, jealousy is a helluva a drug.

Republicans believe every challenge is a zero-sum game. The idea that in order for them to win, someone must lose. The idea of everyone winning or benefitting from the game is an anathema to their philosophy.

“Ah McCain, the biggest hypocrite there is.”

Ah McCain, the biggest hypocrite there is. She would attack Trump whenever he mocked her father, yet would quickly defend him every single time her father wasn’t involved.

The estate tax should be 100% for rich people.   If you disagree then you should be forced to listen to Meghan McCain talk about any topic.   You will see things my way in less than 10 minutes.  

Most republicans are exactly this right now. It isn’t about the country, or making things better for anyone in the long run, it’s about being angry that others are finally achieving some parity with them, and the mistaken belief that in order for them to succeed others (anyone not them) must fail, or be destroyed.