
Wearing white for suffragettes!

I feel sorry for her. She’s gorgeous, but so over-botoxed she can barely smile. She must be hella insecure, and Cheeto probably insults her regularly to keep it that way.

Hillary Clinton represents us all today. What woman hasn’t had the experience of celebrating  the man who got the promotion/job she was infinitely more qualified for?

as is this...

This may sound like special pleading coming from an atheist, but as a secularist first, I think it’s unfair to equate christianity with scientology, because of the depth and breadth of the moral and philosophical contribution to civic secular society and civilization in general of the former. Maybe they both started

The eyelashes are definitely bigger on the “after” pictures.

Gotta dig out my SAT practice book to remember how to do those analogy problems...

It also has a circuit board in it that couldn’t be less unceremoniously stamped into a billion others just like it if the Chinese infant who assembled it was 3 years younger. Your watch is a commodity. A useful one, sure, but little more than metal and plastic.

Your comment is hysterical. Trumps concern is not altruistic. What planet did you come from? the lipstick on a pig analogy comes to mind but I think its more that the Donald wants to have more freedom to abuse the populous, lower his employees wages, be able to fire people on a whim, refuse to pay contractors, playing

I highly doubt this guy would be OK with a PPI though. There are bound to be plenty of problems with this car. There’s no reason for this car to be roughly 20k (even in the US) cheaper than the other offerings. It’s even a manual!

Now playing

Hamilton Nolan on the GOP for the next four years:

dang and I just bought a $45k highlander limited platinum two years ago because these were priced higher at that time..

You are considering Christianity as a moral philosophy, but for tribal-minded people, it functions more like a primary in-group. They don’t give a flying fuck what Jesus would do, they merely use the idea of him as a psychological tool to justify hatred of Strangers or Others.

I’m seeing bearded Cory Feldman.

I see oddly-focused Shia LeBeouf

“Sen. Patty Murray began by saying she is “extremely disappointed” that DeVos’s ethics paperwork was not completed by the time of the hearing, which is indeed very concerning. the Secretary of Education”

She is proud to help author this stunning piece of legislation “No Oliver Twist Left Behind.”