
FWIW, my sister has one, although she bought it CPO in the $40ks, and there is a main reason why she owns it. She’s 6' tall, and her husband is 6'6", and she said that, of all the big SUVs they tried, the QX80 was the only one that allowed the middle row to be pushed far enough back to comfortably hold two

Sure, but my point is that driving any relatively recent 911 makes most think you’re a douchebro, because most don’t even know a 996 isn’t a recent, $100K car.

The wristwatch replaced the pocketwatch, because reading the time quickly and easily on the wrist was appealing, and the same can be said today about the wristwatch vs. the cell phone.

“enthusiast without being a rich douchebro.”

If only the A110 had a manual...

Being a former owner of both a 987 Cayman and 996.2 Targa, I wanted to let you know to be a little careful. Although the IMS is the more talked about issue with Porsches from that era, bore scoring is the more common problem with the 3.4L Cayman S, and I’d personally hold out until you can afford a 987.2 (or maybe

“it’s good enough to make you question how much you value a manual transmission.”

Crazy it is!

Here is a quick illustration of what I mean. Green is hands/red is thumbs:

Good tip.  I usually go to the track, but I’ve autocrossed a few times, so I’ll keep that in mind. 

In a related news twist, Toyota has announced that the new Supra’s starting price and release date will be the same: infinity.

KinjaWidgetNinjaDigits wasn’t calling Chuck and Nancy the progressive wing of the party, but, rather, was saying the CHRONICpeace’s plan was bad strategy for progressives.

Yeah, and you’re still probably not doing much shifting in a roundabout. 

They only made 740 of the 1M for the US, so the price likely isn’t going down. The smart money, if you don’t care about collecting, is the 135i plus a 1M suspension swap and lsd.

I guess I’m having a hard time imagining needing to yank the wheel more than a quarter turn during the one-second process of shifting, and, if needed, I’m not sure that the extra few degrees at 10 o’clock would make all that much difference.  It seems much more likely to get in an accident in numerous other ways, so

9-3 is standard race driving procedure, with our without stick shifts.

Thumbs go right on top of those spokes.

Yeah, even the 911 is getting big enough where, if they put the engine in the front, they could probably make a reasonable backseat in a car not much longer than a 911.

Wow, depending on your age, your friend was either rich or fucking crazy...or maybe both!