
I understand your point about the name calling from the poster above, but there’s a huge difference between being a great salesman, of which Trump is among the best, and being a CEO-type individual effectively running giant corporations (or governments.) Spend any time researching Trump’s business past, or even his

Yeah, there’s something about this car that immediately made me think back to my radio-controlled days as a kid. I think that’s good, right? Maybe?

Racists have always been around, but Trump has emboldened them.

At least we all know he’ll be in jail someday.

This my be the most infuriating thing I’ve read in a while. Wow. 

Yeah, the only thing I like is they went back to gauges that aren’t nested behind each other, like in the air-cooled era, although 4 of the 5 gauges are digital, so I don’t know if that counts. 

Don’t worry, I’m sure that will be a $3k option.

It’s not other cars that you worry about in an original Viper, but, rather, the V10 engine with over 400hp in a smallish car without traction control, airbags or ABS. It’s just begging you to put it into a ditch or tree. Hell, even when you survive a spirited drive, the thing still gets even and sears the skin off

Where do you live?  

While I’m sorry that you’re missing out on your dream car, it will certainly translate to a longer lifespan for you, so I’m glad we’ll have ya around a while longer.

Yeah, this looks not good:

Whew, I’ve been around them quite a bit, and I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree. I live in Suburu country up here in the Northwest, and the sound isn’t far off to me.

Yeah, but it’s unfortunate the 718s sounds so awful. Hopefully they’ll get that worked out in the next generation, but I’d still probably buy a ‘12 Cayman R over any other Cayman.

edit: Actually, I think I find the 982 to be a little better looking than the 981. Too bad about the turbo-4, though.

The 991 was already bloated and too GT looking. I find this new model to be a lateral move, aesthetically.  Same with the 718 (982) vs. the 981.

It’s a bit like saying you don’t think working for a shoe company should be celebrated, because some unfortunate people work in slave-like conditions in shoe factories.

I must admit, even though I grew up in a GM family in a GM town, I can’t help but feel a bit of schadenfreude about this, although I feel guilty about it. It at least deserves a solid “I told ya so.”

Yeah, Hartech has a pretty comprehensive white paper about it, but it is a bit dubious. I’d still say get a scope done before buying to be sure.  I didn’t get one on my 3.4L Cayman, because that engine is apparently less susceptible than the 3.6 and 3.8.