
This statement is gobsmacking, yet likely true. About a decade or so ago, I stood next to Lidell at the grocery meat counter, and, while I ordered a pound of meat, I contemplated how such a terrifying and imposing dude would enjoy pounding me like a side of beef if he caught me inadvertently looking at his gorgeous gi

Yeah, I’ve got much of the 1M’s suspension and some Bilsteins sitting at home waiting for install. I may go all-in next year and add an LSD.

Don’t get me wrong, I still think the 997 is the better looking overall car. It just isn’t as drastic as it used to be for me, and I like how the 996 is a little rougher around the edges.

Funny thing. Having owned a 996 several years ago, I used to highly agree about the interior, but I’m beginning to change my mind on it a little bit vs. the 997, because the 996 interior feels so nice and spartan these days, despite the ‘90s shapes. I’m starting to wish a bit that I still had my 996.2, which had a

Yep. The 991 is bigger and heavier, has electric steering, etc.  Plus, I think it looks too big and GT’ish.

I hope you’re kidding.  You forgot the -ah at the end. 

I don’t think it’s necessarily linear. While I may not agree (I like the 996 more than many,) I’d say most Porsche enthusiasts tend to vote 993>997>991>996. For the Cayman it’s a little more vague, but my choice is 987>981>982.

Nah, big-ass hips aren’t necessarily the identity of the 911, and that 964 is way too ‘80s looking. I think the 996.2 rear is still the best in the water-cooled era, but not the overwrought C4s version pictured above.

Yeah, I grew up in that area, and we never even talked about switching to winter tires. All seasons all year round.

I grew up in a GM family in a GM town, and I couldn’t wait to get out, so my favorite cars were the opposite of what that stood for. Hell yes, they’re still cool...and still fucking unattainable.  I nearly bought a Fiero at age 16, which was about as close as I could get at the time.

Yep, as I mentioned above, I might pick that Cayman R over any water-cooled era Porsche, unless outright track times were the goal.

M2 (not Competition) sounds way better than any of them. The S55 is known to be a big step backwards in terms of BMW engine sound.

Yeah, the S55 is becoming known as a legendarily bad sounding engine, but I’m not sure it’s 718 bad. I was driving behind a Miami blue 718 that looked fantastic recently, but man did it sound terrible. It nearly made me want to rev my N55 just to make the guy turnaround, but I’m not that kind of guy. :)

Or if you have a kid or two under a certain age. Don’t underestimate the advantage of being able to shove a couple of kids in the backseat of a 911 for short drives to school or whatever.

Agreed, and occasionally players, like LeBron and Jordan, are both. 

Will it run backwards through a cornfield?

If you could pick 3, which would you choose?

Wow, that’s the one I’d pick over anything else.

I’d pick a dive computer or a G-Shock, which is kinda the point, but, if we’re talking mechanical watches, there are plenty of other fantastic and durable dive watches out there. Heck, the somewhat inexpensive Seiko SKX007 is probably the most popular mechanical watch one would see on dive instructors these days, and