
The 135i has hydraulic steering here in the US. Are you in Europe?

Having owned both, I’d call it considerably more usable.  My 6 ft tall adult friends can ride quite a while in back of my 135i, especially because it has good headroom (more than the 3 series from that era.)  Even my kid felt cramped in my 911.  Plus, the trunk in the 135i is another big difference.

You didn’t answer the question.

You’re telling me you down shift from second to first with 20ft left before stopping at a light? That’s absolutely unnecessary.

I don’t understand your post.  Of course I would depress the clutch to put the gear in neutral.

I usually down shift all the way to second, but any slower than that, like approaching a stop light, I go from second to neutral and coast the final few feet.

What!!! As a two time winner of one of your lovely ladies, I thank you for your service.

I hear you, but I feel the somewhat same about all religions, so I have to temper that feeling a bit, or I’d respect very few.  Granted, Scientology being newer makes it seem more bonkers than the others.

Yeah, traveling from bar to bar with electric scooters is exactly how they shouldn’t be used, but it seems others are thinking the same thing. Once Portland has a few deaths due to these things, the city will have to step in.

What I’m seeing here in Portland is that most scooter and bike share riders are occasional joyriders who drive like a-holes, don’t wear helmets, and break all the rules. Ownership seems an important piece of the puzzle for humans to act decently on these things and use them as legitimate, daily transportation.

Here in Portland, you’re required to stay off the sidewalks and wear a Helmet with the Bird scooters. They’re new here, but we’re already seeing those laws being broken by a large majority of the riders.

I have no idea whether the Corvette will be a 2+2, but you’re right about the 911. Despite everyone talking about the feel of the rear engine, Porsche stuck with it because of those little backseats which, in my case, still weren’t big enough to be usable for my small family.

Yeah, I actually voted for Clinton over Obama in the primaries a decade ago, because Clinton had a more progressive health care plan.

I responded to Andrew above about why I got rid of the Cayman. If you’re ok with two seats, and you don’t want tons of speed, a base 987 is a fantastic car.

I had a very similar base Cayman, and I only got rid of it because I needed three seats. I had a 911, but that barely counted as a rear seat, so now I’m driving a 135i.  The IMS is overblown on the early Caymans, although it does still happen. Bore scoring is more of a concern on those cars, but it’s not much of an

Not sure what that means.  My last four cars were 911, Cayman, X3 and 135i.

But we’re not talking about “well-off” people, are we, if we’re talking about Mustangs??

Came here for this!

Yeah, especially $50K+ on a freaking Mustang. I come from a time when looking like a douche was free of charge.  You just had to really want it.