I don’t get it, either. I’ve got a pretty high salary and only one kid, and I’m still usually looking at used stuff in the $20K-30K range. Then again, people seem to talk like $500+ a month for a car is normal, so I guess I’m just out of touch.
I don’t get it, either. I’ve got a pretty high salary and only one kid, and I’m still usually looking at used stuff in the $20K-30K range. Then again, people seem to talk like $500+ a month for a car is normal, so I guess I’m just out of touch.
The manual transmission is also a Jalop litmus test.
I’m in Portland, too. Interesting idea.
Or self driving Transformers.
You can’t even see my face, so that’s quite a take. Either way, I already shaved it off...but I’m growing it out again. Granted, in that pic it’s pretty long, and I’m not going that long again.
Yeah, when I needed to move to something with a little more room than a 911 or Cayman, I struggled to find something that still felt simple and was made in the last 10 years. The 135i is no Porsche, but I’m really having as much fun with it.
Yeah, don’t get me wrong, he’s still crazy as fuck.
I was listening to an interview with Henry Cavill the other day, and it really gave me a new respect for Tom Cruise. Cavill was saying Cruise trains tirelessly for these stunts in his own time before production starts, which is why he’s able to do things like HALO jumps. They wouldn’t let Cavill try it.
I’d like to make an exception for the E82. It feels like it’s from pre-2006. I am a Porsche guy, but I’ve been having a blast in the 135i.
I’m more of a Porsche guy, but I really like the looks of the E82. I needed more backseat, so I bought one, and it’s a fantastic little car.
Nice. As much as I’ve complained about BMWs and Porsches getting too big and numb over the past decade or so, at least they get it that it’s about fun more than outright speed for many of us, especially on public roads.
It’s usually more like 50,000 for newer Porsches.
I’ve never even seen one in person, but the A110 might be my favorite old car at this point. Of course, I’m gutted to see how much they’re going for online. Damn.
Yeah, but the car isn’t sounding very compelling, whether it’s released in one day or one year.
Nope, not wrong, although, despite preferring NA, I think BMW does a pretty good job with turbo feel.
You just called the LC 500 perfect, despite it not having a manual transmission, so I have become immediately skeptical of your hot takes!