
Ya it “Makes U Think” that you are a fucking idiot for saying that’s the best ever tweet. This guy is spewing the same shit as the global warming deniers and creationists. I guess if people that are stone cold science deniers like Curt Schilling “Make U Think”, then you categorized it correctly. Thank You to Cal

Another right wing hypocritical piece of shit.

Wait I thought Deadspin like to shit down this guys throat because he is an asshole? What's going on here?

Lovers quarrel?

Looks like autofellatio to me.

Doesn't that mean either 6 or 7??

Still laughing out loud at that line.

He posted this at 4:20

Who the fuck is Nick Martin?

Interesting article thanks for The Atlantic share too. But isn’t TMT And DTC just an extension of Kierkegaard’s “Anxiety” and later Sarte’s writings? I haven’t followed more modern philosophers, psychologists, and sociologists, but this seems to just be a natural extension of their thoughts. Is this true?

Don't you get it? This could have the potential to let a guilty person off!?!

Won't women's sports (aside from tennis/volleyball) always be thought of as second tier by sports fans? Even if second tier is watchable?

Anxiety, what makes us human.

Geeze now I feel bad for even having a Father’s Day.

I agree he even comes back to get his friends from out of the pile. Seems like a good friend, if anything this shows him to be a standup guy and most likely a good teammate.

These announcers and refs are ready for the NBA, promote them now.

Were some of those actually him trying those silly scoop shots he kept nailing in those early games?

My life is now complete.

Must be something with the nba I thought the music was a bit different as I remember if, but they had some really weird song play over one of the podium interviews on CSN Bay Area too, I figured it was just on that channel though.

At least Bogut called him our for it.