He's treating the team like his first acting role, "Pit Inmate Shot Back into Pit".
I'm so glad we traded him for Bedard.
Glad to see Jon is living up to his lyrics. The Bills are "Born in the USA!" Now the fans can buy "Little Pink Houses" right next to the stadium and know their team will still be there. It doesn't matter that "867-5309" is probably the Bills all-time record, they are staying in Buffalo. I'll go tell "Jessie's…
I guess Buffalo is worried about being "Once Bitten, Twice Shy."
(Nailed it.)
im afraid not
Instead of telling women to get back into the kitchen, you can tell these guys to get back into the basement!
I don't know but I hear they will have a new show called: Pardon Me Pressing the Pause Button.
I think we all remember that now infamous clip of Hiroshi Yamauchi flipping over the table during a very contentious interview with Jim Rome.
any future offspring may well get my last name to prove I can.
I remember reading a book set in a matriarchal society where one character commented to a foreigner, "We trace lineage through the mother's side. One can never be certain who the father is." It was a throw-away line, but it's stuck with me for decades.
That being said, I kept my name when I got married because I'm…
I only hope that none of the competitors are asked to pose for the next "Body Issue".
It's a Pieter Mondrian, Jesus Christ read a book.
I think a more apt question is how does this qualify as a sport?
I was coming on to say the same thing. Ron Paul would sit there explaining basic gold standard theory to Ben Bernanke (while he sat bemused with his hand on his chin).
Be more obvious why don't you.
I love it when trolls can't help picking what they think is a very feminist, significant handle.
I truly have ZERO issues with this. Good for him (and I'd say the same if it were the other way around). Sex is an important part of a marriage. As you grow together, things come in that make that tougher, such as kids and strains on a career, but to constantly get shot down by your wife for what seem to be some BS…