
I set my website blocker for social websites to redirect to Lifehacker. So I'll attempt to go to reddit, tumblr, facebook, etc, end up on Lifehacker, and then feel guilty when I see productivity tips on the front page. :(

It took 4 minutes for that. I'm surprised it took that long.

Going to Lifehacker for productivity tips is kind of like having an AA meeting at a bar!

Productive procrastination

Yup going to lifehacker, I like to think of it as procrastination/self improvement.

He reminds me of my own princess. She is a sweetheart, born without her hind legs fully formed. She is ripped in her front legs and is wanting all the lovez.

Back when I was an athlete in high school and college, I NEVER had sex the night before a competition. Sadly, neither did I the night after. Or the one after that. Or the one...

Does sex affect athletic performance?

Don't confuse the stereotype.... We Irish learn not to get on in the first place....

Typical, considering the Irish have a long tradition of falling off the wagon.

Right? I wonder how much every tax payer would have to contribute so that every single public school kid's lunches were free. I'd guess it would be like...$2/year.

465? That's all? Hell I don't have kids but I'd drop 50 into a Kickstarter to pay off all the schools lunch cards.

RE: I think without international pressure Russia is steering toward a semi-fascist regime. They have the beginnings of a pre-nazi Germany.

Yes, I was also shocked to learn that mammals have hair. Shocked.

If the women did this on their own, I actually think it would actually be kind of douchey.

In a country in which women have very few other kinds of capital, they are pushed to exploit their sexual capital. It's ugly. Not because the display of sexuality or willing self-objectification are ugly (they are not, when they are the decision of fully autonomous individuals), but because there are too few *other*

She looked unhealthily skinny, but to make myself feel better I decided that she's really competitive (former athlete) and she may have intentionally gone super overboard to win the money, planning to get back to a healthy weight after the show. But I fully recognize that I am just articulating a hope; I have nothing

Well said. Been there a lot of times - I simply fire off a barrage of questions about what they want the site for/to do and either they are still interested (I will send a quote for work) or they change the conversation to something else.

This is actually not too bad of a solution. I feel like this is less annoying then "sure but I'll charge you $50." Favor for a favor, something that most people can probably get behind.

Strong women make better sandwiches. FACT.

Texas brought us Burt. It's gotta be ok, right? ... right?