
When I read these I always wonder whats wrong with me... When I had my wisdom teeth pulled I sat in a chair next to this guy who had just finished his procedure. I then had mine done and woke up before he did. I then walked to the front desk and asked to leave. My "ride" picked me up drove me around the block and to

If only I had a window...

Yeah I was referring to 1st person view in those situations. To give context... I always loved driving around in 1st person but my one gripe about all GTA games (besides the driving mechanics) was that 1st person view was centered and in front of the windshield.

Has any one seen video of GTA 5 first person driving/flying/boating/etc?

Yeah I absolutely agree. I think self defense training is better than no training. I am just thinking of the typical sexual assault not being these violent brutal rape/murders. Often they are from cowards who wait for the right moment when the victim is most vulnerable(drunk/drugged/etc). This is when intelligence and

I think at the very least it teaches other core values. Builds confidence, makes you more aware of your body (from a performance perspective) and of course gives you some self defense. Unfortunately, I also know that at age 16 I was benching 215 and weighed 155lbs. The reality is a man or even a boy can easily

I have to admit when I came to this article I originally thought that this would be an entertaining (funny) read. However, It is actually much more than that. Many of these stories reminded me of how similar we all really are and for the people on here who can openly talk about their abuse. I applaud you for your

Another issue you have to realize is that if we start putting every sexual assault "crime" on the registry then the registry itself becomes less effective. By taking into account that some sexual assaults are the product of a trouble child/minor or consensual (yet still illegal) sex between an 18 year old and 17 year

I feel like moderation is the key. Qualify ones statements can be good in some settings and bad in others.

Same. Mine is a 2003 Edge and I have put it in auto trader twice with many interested buyers and no sale ahah! The second time I even went as far as having a buyer trying to qualify for a loan. When he got denied I took it as a sign and pulled the ad.

Jesus. My life would never the same... I have a 4.0 V6 5 SPD 2x4... next logic progression is this

Agreed. This idea that one is absolutely unequivocally better is insane. Each has its ups and downs...

I think that this is actually a good thing for two reasons. One if men are starting to get involved then perhaps that means we are starting to listen... Two, since society is made up of both men and women it should require both to make such an important change.

Yup. Another great alternative. Both my mom and my dad became Aerospace certified welders via programs like the ones you mentioned

Problem is people go back to school and get useless degrees. Psychology, Anthropology, Biology, etc. All are useless unless you continue on to your Masters or PHD. Take a practical science or engineering instead.

I almost bashed you for your first comment. But then I continued reading and found we are on the same page! I think the issue with judging someone who associates as a Republican is as follows.

As a "dude" I will admit that when it comes to metallurgy, structural tolerances, and welding jargon I must differ to my Mother for her invaluable expertise as a an aerospace certified fabricator/welder. In fact half of our conversions on the phone are about my motorcycle project... typically with her giving me

Haha Collecting AOL disks. First 3.5 floopy disks that came with every computer accessory you could think of and then CDs upon CDs in the mail.

Classic. So many free Frisbees

Perhaps you are correct in your assertion that more men suffer... However, as other have pointed out it is not a competition on which gender suffers more. Secondly, It can be argued that men are often the root of violence against both genders.

I am paraphrasing here but I think Patrick Stewart said it best, "The people