If I had to guess, too chunky to be coke. I’d bet it’s crushed percs. Plenty of access to them in a locker room.
If I had to guess, too chunky to be coke. I’d bet it’s crushed percs. Plenty of access to them in a locker room.
The Taco Bell dog’s long lost sibling didn’t live the charmed life of his brother. Growing up in gang riddled LA he was constantly running afoul the law. Hardened by his years on the streets he’s just as likely to bite you as look at you, but that’s not to say he didn’t also have a catchy catchphrase: “Don’t fuck…
No one’s going to refuse to date another person on the basis of purely political issues like “The government should do ____ to reduce the deficit.” I don’t even think too many people would view, say, immigration as a dealbreaker if the person was like “I welcome immigrants, but we do have rules regarding it, and if…
I KNOW. Are those guys even wearing protective gear AT ALL??? Player safety has grown by leaps and bounds since then.
When people ask me my opinion on the Death Penalty, I tell them that I’m opposed to it with the exception of Baylor’s football program.
These are the worst John Lennon parody lyrics ever.
Does that mean I have to break up with my girlfriend?
Their 3-point shooting was awful. They need more Marx-men.
Roland Capers sounds like the name of a college point guard...
Fortunately, the rat is a stunt rat for a living and was unharmed.
No, Sark. It’s Matty Ice who is there every day.
Judging by this footage, the new guy seems to know his stuff:
Weather: cold
“You don’t need to teach out in the public all the time.”
He also post-dated their final paychecks for after the championship game.
Well, it’s nice to see a Cardinals drive actually end in points for once. Unfortunately, they are on Floyd’s license.
Or make any effort for the line to make any sense. Another favorite of mine from TBS’ broadcast of Pulp Fiction: “You’re about to blow? I’m a mickey-fickey mushroom-cloud-laying mickey-fickey, mickey-fickey! Every time I touch brains, I’m Superfly mickey-fickey TNT, I’m the mickey-fickey Guns of the Navarone! ”