
No big deal for actual owners. They have plenty of other cars to drive.

Personally I would have preferred “people before cars” but no one made me the marketing director of remaking America.

in the sense that “defund” means “reduce the funding of,” you’re 100% correct

amen to both

I love my car but I would bike/ride/walk to work way before I drove, if possible.

I was thinking I’d be angry with you, but realized I did the same thing in 1979 when I moved to Manhattan. For 35 years I loved not having a car, and renting on the odd occasion I wanted one.

Anyone else hate how the forward and back buttons on these slideshows change position now? As if we needed more reason to dislike list posts...

GT 7, Risk of Rain 2 dlc...

You, my friend, badly need Cookie Monster.
It will tell you how long it will take a new building to pay off (in seconds), and I will bet a lot of cookies you need another 100 or so Grandmothers.  Remember that grandmothers boost the production of every other type of building...

I have read the links, actually. They’re a rabbit-hole of even more vague disdain, without any clear reasoning (at least, to my understanding). I’m sorry if my question offends you. Next time, just say you don’t know either.

I have to say your article on why NFTs are bad is really unconvincing. It basically boils down to, I think it’s dumb to collectively decide something has a certain value randomly. Which seemingly ignores the existence of money, gold, art, the entire capitalist market writ large.

Understanding things is not a requirement to write about them on Kotaku.

You don’t seem to understand that not every blockchain is going to use anywhere near the amount of energy that bitcoin uses.

Now playing

It’s all about tone. Diablo was always a lot darker and horror inspired. The world was often presented as a very gritty and bleak setting. They used pagan and satanic imagery with atmospheric and subtle music. Diablo III is just a cartoon with generic orchestra and nothing to suggest anything in that world is really

It’s fine to say a game has dark marshes, cathedrals, skeletons, and zombies in it, but so does the Zelda franchise. It’s a matter of how those elements are presented.

This song is dope af, IDC what anyone says. I still rinse it and a few of her other jams when the mood hits...




No one on this planet has played through Doom too many times.