

Well he's being very passive-aggressive. He should have went and got back in the car he used to run her off the road with. She says crazy things but he's wrong, too. Putting a camera in someone's face and telling them to calm down when you've just assaulted them with your vehicle, and then failing to leave because

There are so many articles about "women in (blank)" every day from outlets like HuffPo or Buzzfeed and artists listed eat the attention up like caviar, but if Playboy does it - it's sexist and patronizing. Neko Case sucks anyway. It's not 2007, I don't want your Target-commercial indie rock soundtrack music.

This thing is cheering for the disaster

Fuck this year.

That's just heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers are with Michael and his family.

I love the two tone jobs on old trucks. It transforms what would be a relatively unexciting paint job on a vehicle with a lot of flat panels into a paint job with depth, contrast, and style.

Because gloss black on matte black.

I can't not post this. It's no Boog, but it was mine. That straight line from headlight to tail light at the base of the canopy lent itself naturally to two-tone, so I went for it one day when it had to go to the body shop after I got hit.

Class on top of class on top of 'Murica

Ice related understeer is a menace. Stupidity is worse.

Video is missing 0:50-0:60 where it circles the globe and comes to a rest at the starting point.

Hate modern Camrys as much as you like, but there's no denying that they used to be great daily drivers.