
Not fire related, but I was also once looking for something to pour excess bacon grease in and decided to grab an empty Coke bottle I had on the counter. Thankfully, I put the bottle in the sink while I was pouring so that when it pretty much immediately melted, I didn’t have a mess all over the counter.

When people stop playing it. I mean shit, no one is forcing you to click on these articles, right? The option to scroll on by exists for you. Take it.

You can take me off the weekends, but you can’t take the weekend content outta me. 

It’s a problem of design. The first 30 minutes show you five different things:

PC gamespass is so shit I can’t even play Minecraft anymore, they forcibly changed my username to Jaecp+numbers because my existing gamespass account I use on Xbox is also named Jaecp and I can’t even leave a shit review (currently Minecraft has a 2.2 on there anyway so like, it’s not like I’m needed there!)

Up Up Down Down Toyota Toyota Toyota

Bro it took me a while to find that part cause it was a short sentence in the middle of two ads.

One hopes the shortage of staff at gizmodo will ease, allowing articles to be assigned to writers who either know about the subject matter or have the sense not to flag their ignorance as part of their story.

I already had to do repairs once on my 1080, so now I make daily sacrifices of AOL CDs to win the favor of the tech gods.

I’m ok with ones that just give you the whole game and once you know what you’re doing you can beat it. Such as Rogue, the game the entire genre is named after. Ones I don’t like are ones that REQUIRE you to die over and over while you gradually “unlock” things that should have been available to you to begin with.

This is my kind of petty.


You are playing wrong. That said, playing Uno is wrong because Uno is a terrible game.

It felt like something out of Princess of Mars

Wait. The stores had an “unknown number of Series S consoles” but also “none of the stores” received S systems. And people asked for a Series S, “but only after finding out they couldn’t get” a Series S.

10/10 comment

I use anime titty mouse pads for the comfort” is the new “I read Playboy for the articles.”

Love yourself and don’t buy an Android tablet, especially one for $200 and under. They will obsolete in less than a year, if they are even still getting support when you buy them. The only Android tablets probably worth a damn are the ones that cost more than a standard iPad. Even then, you’re still running the risk

Love yourself and don’t buy an Android tablet, especially one for $200 and under. They will obsolete in less than a