Team, is there anything for desktop shortcut grouping to where I could (for instance) click it once for GAMES and the games I have be in it, PRODUCTIVITY etc? I heard something about it before but have since forgotten what it’s called.
Team, is there anything for desktop shortcut grouping to where I could (for instance) click it once for GAMES and the games I have be in it, PRODUCTIVITY etc? I heard something about it before but have since forgotten what it’s called.
This reminds me a lot of the N64 South Park and Conker games...
All that is needed is a little box that says “Yeah, do you want to delete these? We don’t think you need them.” Totally agree.
I have noticed this as of the first big Win10 update, fwiw. It’s a day killer because putting the apps back on the machine (without them autodeleting) is kind of a pain... Love Win10 aside from some quirks like these...
But then the article would be one sentence long. That would be pretty neat, but probably not fulfilling.
I think I posted this when it was announced that you’d be the Godfather, but I’m super glad it was you. You have clearly made the team stronger and have reinstilled my love for this site. Great stuff, and just so you know- one of my favourite features. I look up to you, man, and hope to meet you in person at one of…
I have no idea what is a spoiler about the name of a game. I’m all about not telling spoilers in headlines when it has to do with story, plot, characters we didn’t know about yet, etc. and it is rampant, but the title of a movie/game? How could that ever be a spoiler?
I would totally and 100% agree, and DO agree with the concept of what you are saying, in that headlines/images can spoil things-
Honestly, I didn’t notice/skipped over it. Kudos for owning up though!
I have been playing for about a month after leaving because of this^, and the culture seems to have changed quite a bit. Everyone seems quite a bit more understanding!
They have changed it, and added a lot of gear that really changes the game because the low-high-level (if that makes any sense) gear is available for PURCHASE instead of having to grind incessantly, AND it is available through the main storyline quests! I was very impressed with Heavensward and the new patches.
Jason, thanks for continuing covering this great game! Please consider writing an article about THIS POINT!! This concept has diminished quite a bit now that way more content is in the game, but at one point in ffxiv I stopped playing for a few months just because players expected you to know exactly what was coming…
btw bacon with a microwave shield to prevent splatter is super easy and can be cooked on a plain microwavable plate... also eggs in a plain microwavable bowl with a little butter melted first is fine. Office life!
Nice, this is great advice!
Just think how much higher this number would be if Nintendo would unleash the floodgates and release all the goodies, and on WiiU AND 3DS instead of one platform or the other.
This sounds great, thanks for the input!
Thank you for the great input! This makes total sense, actually, for people who aren’t a fan of grilling or who don’t have the “knack”, and I've met a ton of people that fit those specs!
ok now THIS makes sense- my steaks, while amazing and medium rare, are not medium rare from ONE PART OF THE STEAK TO THE OTHER. This looks amazing and makes my eyes tear up from it’s beauty. I like steak.
That is a HENCKEL knife:
I will respectfully argue that Windows SHOULD be the best platform for media consumption, especially if you have a cable subscription. You can have every media app that exists, plus all the goodies from the websites that have little popup media players, etc. It gets major negative points, though, because the sizing is…