
Just a note: Windows IS still the platform that you can just install whatever you want. In the comments section, someone has posted the original 3D pinball game in all its glory. I'm sure someone has found an acceptable solitaire game that doesn't have ads, such as the original bundled one. FWIW, I get the point of


You are quite the gentleman. My wife and I are having an amazing night now, thanks to you, over a glass of wine and this ridiculously amazing game. Nostalgia!

There is definitely some merit to this, and should be brought to the discussion table FOR SURE before getting married. The argument my wife and I had to settle before we could get married dates back to when we were first hooking up: Eggs with Cheese and Ham vs. Ham&Cheese Omelet. She asked for eggs with ham and


They are so close! I would say they could easily transform into the perfect machines via updates etc.

It makes way more sense the other way around. Steam boxes would have never had a chance if MS would have made mini-PC gaming boxes that had some form of Windows, and could stream games from a bigger PC.

You big softy. I'm gonna miss him too D`:


You are entitled to enjoying yourself, after all.

Absolutely beautiful!

Yes. Why not thousands of stars for this?!

I love this.

Excellent read, I love these kinds of articles!

I think this article could be redone using only Souls series of games. They are very similar to real life. As an example, in the game, you meet a challenge, and until you overcome that challenge, that challenge seems impossible! Once you figure out how to do it just right, that challenge becomes more and more trivial.

Which of the 27-ish Valve branded games were totally free DLC? Are you talking about that CS:GO game that has f2p DLC out that wazoo? It’s ok to get the amount we got out of the game for the original price we paid, and it’s ok NOT to buy every single thing that comes out for a game. That said, I imagine this and any

the ONLY thing that has ever worked, and it always does, is baking soda. find a line of ants, and put a pretty thick line of baking soda (so they don’t just go around it slightly). supposedly that makes them lose their way FOREVER, thusly they are useless to the colony, which is also useless now without workers.

Large-headed buyer beware: I JUST returned a pair of those cheetah headphones, because my head is too large for them. Just about everything else was wonderful about them. The mic was great, and had great noise cancelling or whatever, and the sound quality was acceptable, which is more than most bt headphones I’ve

Large-headed buyer beware: I JUST returned a pair of those cheetah headphones, because my head is too large for
