
This is the only thing I need, a Gameboy that streams to the TV flawlessly with a controller. They are close now, I'm sure they can do this. Great idea, super good on the N-X (10)... You da man.

Oh thanks, now it's a QOTSA day. No sarcasm, I love them.

I'm not here to defend Paula by any means, I just want to remind everyone that Butter isn't the bad guy here. It's all the flour and milk and sugar that goes with it. That is all.

What you did, all of there- I see it.

"You have definitely been met with a terrible-ass fate, I'm out!"

Not necessarily with Paula as the protagonist, but this would be a fantastic way to teach kids/adults how to kitchen better! Love this!

A winner is you!

This is the best. Thank you for being awesome.

Thanks for posting a rebuttal on shaming, along with the rest of this article! My least favorite thing is when people claim "This person could have avoided all of x if they just y" OH GOD, PLEASE TURN BACK TIME THEN, MAGIC ALL-KNOWING TIME SORCERER! They -might- have a good point, but it certainly doesn't help

This is an absolutely awesome way to put things in perspective! It's definitely more for other people than me, but the language and marathon simile and the annoying people definitely is something that I can relate to! My #1 annoying thing people say is "oh, all diets are basically the same"... Well, the only bad thing

I for one can not WAIT for Leo (takes a look) to get his hands on this. He loves Rouge-Likes !(Games like "Rogue") There might perhaps be a lineage of Garrys around the corner...

Excellent find!! I was eagerly awaiting the Sova, but I'll take Razer any day! Thanks for this.

Luke, do you guys know what ever happened to the Sova by Roccat? It looks a bit more ideal as far as having a quality keyboard and mouse. Another commenter also noted the Razer Turret, which looks amazingly great.

Amazingly great. Thank you for sharing. I... Could not stop laughing... I thought I was going to die.

Thank you, and to expand: or artists to listen to, or movies to watch. Artist =/= art created by artist... I have always, and will always try to, separate all art from the artist who created it.

I love the new format with the games listed first!! Great success!!

Probably light saturation or something. Don't you remember something about a dress, which had more than one color associated with it?

I enjoy the clean new look, but I highly prefer the old all-in-one page. Just voicing my opinion, in case it matters =]

I enjoy the clean new look, but I highly prefer the old all-in-one page. Just voicing my opinion, in case it matters

Good call!