
This. Looks. AWESOME. It's like Smash, minus all sanity.

If you want no walled gardens and freedom to play other games, then you are correct, you want a PC. Most of the Steamboxes (like the Alpha, which is out now) can be Windows OR SteamOS, as a heads up. Currently, though, for your money, and as long as you don't mind big, you can build a much better PC for much less =]

Very much close to this. I want to natively be able to open apps easily on my Windows 8 machine with a controller, like I can with my ps3. As of now, my PC just sits all sad in it's corner when the TV needs to be used.

I just wish it was wireless. But that's the glory of PCs, you can use whatever input device you want!

Yes. This is the best answer.

If you've used windows 8, it's so close to being a console it almost hurts... They could have made it have native controller support for 100% of the OS and made the XBone skyrocket with 8 instead of the proprietary xbox OS...

I know this is extremely nit-picky, but I like the Alienware Alpha because of it's extremely small form factor, and not much else. I actually think -that-, the form factor being sexy, is what the appeal is here.

They don't need your credit card info to give you something for free, do they?

Yup. This. And as much as my wife can make super simple stuff well, like tuna mac n cheese n peas (try it, it's amazing), I had never had her "real" cooking until very recently, when she wanted to try something different. Almost everything she has made has been absolutely the best I've ever had, aside from some

You do have a point, but at 100$, these are HALF OFF.

Thank you.

Amazon's taking up to 50% off 7 For All Mankind jeans for both men and women, today only, so go get yourself a pair. [ Today Only - Get 50% Off 7 For All Mankind Jeans at Amazon]

I applaud these guys not only for standing up for what they think is right, but sticking by that standing up in the face of criticism. Very difficult to do in both situations!

This is me, totally. I don't care if I'm eating opossum as long as you don't tell me beforehand. If I ask, I ask after!

Still laughed though.

Thank you. This.

Not A Good Match For: The easily stressed, those who hate having a time constraint, anyone who didn't like it the first time around.

It's pretty unacceptable from children, too... If someone makes me food, it nearly makes me cry tears of happiness... triguncryingdonuts.gif

I'll design a special hotkey on my fancy keyboard just for this. Of course, I will shout "BALEETED!" every time.

This makes me so sad. That someone in this day and age would willingly look to their SO and say "this food you made for me I will not try". If my SO makes me food, even if it is terrible, it's "Thank you so much for taking care of dinner!"