ah, +1 for snes, that makes a lot of sense and I have done it. I also considered that the alienware alpha is a thing now and uses multiple controller inputs as the standard, so yeah!
ah, +1 for snes, that makes a lot of sense and I have done it. I also considered that the alienware alpha is a thing now and uses multiple controller inputs as the standard, so yeah!
I guess my comment was about how most PC games don't have local coop when the console versions do, generally speaking... at least, that's what I had thought.
I hadn't even considered that it would have local coop, but I can definitely see where it would be a bummer for the people who use their PC as a local multiplayer machine. I can't see who would do that, but whatever.
Of all of Sarkeesian's requests, I could see this being viewed as the most well-intentioned but creatively stifling one—Why not sometimes have a sexy female enemy? Why not sometimes let a character of any type be helpless or play up their gender?—and yet it also seemed to be the one where she was trying hardest to…
I understand that this is unobtainable data, but unfortunately, much of the time, tips are unreported =\
You are a terrible, wonderful person.
Hey Alan! I'll bet you are the perfect person to ask this: I have a plethora of games on my desktop cluttering the place up, and I am NOT a fan of heavy desktop storage/use. Is there anything like Apple has where you can click one time to view all the games, aside from the ugly Desktop\Games\ Folder? I remember seeing…
I have tried everything from that^ to specifically lettuce storage Tupperware (made for lettuce), and it always gets gross and wilty after 3-4 days max =\ I have tried everything... Thank you for the tip though!
I think it is that people playing are being dissuaded by pro ass players. There is no incentive or matchup for like-skilled players, so "for fun" is a wasteland of players so bad, you don't even need to pick up the controller to win, and "for glory" is pro bros that do nothing but flat stages no items. The ratio will…
Right, once you get to lv 100-150~, it does more harm than good to keep leveling, imo. Definitely does more harm to go on to second/third playthroughs, which is why I started over to do the expansions that are still coming out.
That's the one.
Fast forward to today, and it seems that death, for the majority of games, has been reduced to a minor inconvenience. Even in a game such as Dark Souls, which made death its entire focus, there is a numbing effect to the whole affair. How much can we really care about characters, or take joy in their successes, if…
If you punched its center block, you received a Yoshi. If you already had a Yoshi, however, this block would contain a 1-Up. A dedicated player who grinded it out could rack up all the lives he or she needed for a playthrough. And suddenly, the coins, once so crucial and valuable, lost their meaning. The average…
Yeah, finding what works for you can take time, but when you do, just stick to it, and don't worry about pounds- worry about "healthy". Do I look good, and feel good? Then my weight is good.
If you haven't already purchased it, make sure and check the Bose Refurbished deals on the Bose website- it's tricky to get to, but I got a 350$ pair of 2.1 speakers for about 150-160$. Just a friendly dealbro offering sweet sweet deals.
If you haven't already purchased it, make sure and check the Bose Refurbished deals on the Bose website- it's tricky…
Also! Please don't be like every one trying to go through a lifestyle change who makes the word "diet" into a different word (truly it means lifestyle in relation to food consumption) meaning "I'll do this until it doesn't work" and completely stop what you are doing because it isn't working anymore. Fat/weightloss…
Very nice, thanks for the share.
Very nice, gotcha. Thanks for the answer!
Absolutely. I'm going off track a bit, but I have been watching Alton Brown, and I was at first wondering "why is this dude measuring everything by weight AND volume??" After reading this article, I remembered that weight is more accurate either way, and is more honest way to measure what you are eating.
The dehydrator is for the dog snacks any way. He gets sick if we feed him the pupperoni and is super picky to boot... Thanks for the heads up on the kale crisps- good to know. I have had those seaweed snacks and aside from them being very fishy they are good on occasion. I'll try the kale chips in the oven. Do you…