
GoT is all about human problems that are relatable to current day human problems

If by "The Walking Dead on steroids" you mean "The Walking Dead but with actual purpose and forward momentum", you might be sorta right.

I love it. Makes me think his next album with The Sekrets is going for a Bowie feel to it, now that he's riding out his Joy Division/post punk phase.

I'm 35 and started riding a skateboard to work in SF. I hadn't ridden since I was like 14, but I still had my balance and coordination and now that I have a nice path charted, it's so much damn fun every morning and evening when I have to commute to/from the Bart station.

I don't think the High Sparrow suspected Loras was gay, so much as he was helping Cersei out to gain favor with her while waiting to strike. Another reviewer pointed out that Littlefinger and Oleanna schemed to make Lancel confess or agree to testify against Cersei, to keep her in check and also retaliation for

That was one of the few things I managed to catch. She grabbed a corkscrew when walking by a barrel. She's gonna go Alabama Whirly on someone soon.

He got what he asked for, which apparently was the Rand Paul.

I still miss my free email account.

National Report and Daily Currant are the two worst "satire" sites out there now. You pretty much nailed it, their idea of satire involves no irony and just making shit up.

That's what they'll do for Huell in the new sixth season of Breaking Bad, coming in 2035.

Ever read issues of Wrapped In Plastic? If not, it was a fairly well-produced TP fan zine I managed to order through my local comic store in '94. Their first issue was an X-Files season 1 episode guide, and lots of articles comparing their mythologies.

usually transmitted when you are used to wash more than one vagina.

[Nose somehow gets more obnoxiously bulbous]

I was hoping it would be Slash, cause I believe.

How much do you enjoy eating 40% sawdust?

Jon Lovitz did once!

the true Doom of Valyria


I'm sure gonna miss my Tuesday night fix of low-stakes biker noir set to awful butt rock.

Yeah I was in the "why so cowardly" camp until about age 20, when I started trying ecstasy (or whatever junk passed for it in '99) and at first it was fun, but the comedowns were a bitch. I then realized what it must be like to deal with that all the time.