
I think he's just a good emotional manipulator but doesn't actually have any supernatural gifts or "powers".

even if it was up the dickhole?

In defense of the Others, their relations with outsiders were probably soured by the Dharma Initiative. Ben also did background checks on the 815 survivors and found many of them to be shitty people, at least on paper.

to be fair, i've not recognized old friends after like 5-6 years, especially if i knew them in college before they blew up and grew more chins and beards

I agree that Jon getting shanked is a ridiculous cliffhanger that almost seems pointless, but the Lady Stoneheart reveal is one of my favorite "oh shit" moments ever and suited ASoS perfectly after all we had gone through to get to that point.

I'm expecting this, too, and partly because they said they're casting Maggy Frog.

and they Chekov'd the gold chain earlier this season, if I recall.

I was never bored while watching this show, and that's all I care about when I watch.

Did she die last season? I don't remember, nor do I recall seeing her yet this season.

I saw the sign / That opened up my eyes I saw the sign / It said work will set me free


so Kevin Smith will actually have to try to earn something once again?

it's all a liberal media ploy to get the phrase "Santorum comes up strong from behind" plastered all over the dailies

They don't care what you say anymore, this is theeeeeeeir life.

Runner up gets to work on that Heroes finale movie that never was.

at least we didn't get Locke teaching the audience about local Hawaii plate lunches this week

part of me thinks Linc is buddies with the neo Nazis from Season 2…

I hope Clay is still alive and in a coma and spends all of next season watching things from limbo, like the last season of Magnum P.I.

Take that attitude back to Ubekibekibekibekistan-stan