
the hardest part is figuring out how to be attracted to women with an undercut

or go on national TV saying gay marriage should be legal before the President has a chance to make an official statement

Season 2 is like "Jackie Brown", in that after an auspicious debut (Season 1, "Pulp Fiction"), expectations for a follow-up were so high that what we got could only underwhelm. I recall the review for JB being mostly good, but the reception was still only lukewarm. Years later, I think people are still just

It's incredibly satisfying to know I'm so deep in your head that you have no other recourse than to try and tell me off with your long boring diatribes that probably suck ass, but I wouldn't know cause I'm not bothering to read them. Good night! :-)

I'm just jumping in here to let you know I didn't bother reading what you wrote, and neither will anyone else, so you're just wasting your time at this point. It's not that I don't like you, you just don't have anything interesting to say, even when you're trying to be sassy.

At this point I'm only replying out of my own amusement at how important it is to you to get the last word in. That's kinda assholish in its own right, so congrats on finally reaching my level. Now reach for the stars!


i'm starting to think you're the real troll around here

you can start by paying attention to the things around you. a good asshole is aware of their surroundings and prepares to use them to their advantage. and can also follow tv shows written at a high school junior level.

well you're not that good at being an asshole, just kinda repetitive and boring. just like how you're not that good at paying attention to television shows.

Just let it go, dude.

I am, and sorry I couldn't resist. It's just that you were asking such rudimentary questions that anybody who was watching and listening would be able to answer for you. I mean, at least try turning on closed captioning if it's that hard to keep up.

I wasn't trying to troll, just be an asshole. (There is a difference!) But I really don't think the plot is that hard to follow if you've been paying attention to all the scenes.

Try watching with the sound turned on.

This time with a more Rastafied approach

Hell yeah, I caught the tail end of their laser disc club and it was awesome. I also remember a funny Newsradio episode where Beth kept scamming them and owed them a shitload of money.

I see you've been on the internet before.

Yes, just like last season's assumption that most of the viewers don't understand source control is universally practiced at all tech companies.

I'm hoping Sansa maims Ramsay with the corkscrew when making her escape, so that he lives on but still has some wounds to lick.

My hope is that she and the BWB ran into Brienne before she can sneak into Winterfell