JD Powers likes Porsche, not Consumer Reports. The list is from Consumer Reports. CR isn’t the word of god, but it’s based on more samplings than just “well my friend says VWs are shit so VWs are shit.”
JD Powers likes Porsche, not Consumer Reports. The list is from Consumer Reports. CR isn’t the word of god, but it’s based on more samplings than just “well my friend says VWs are shit so VWs are shit.”
This may be the most biased, fact-devoid shit piece of journalism today on Gawker. What an achievement!
Blah, blah, blah, people are stupid, they don’t even use them as trucks, blah, blah, blah, they should buy wagons instead.
Original video is down. Alternate:
That’s a very US-specific loophole. There’s no rational reason why, for example, a Ford Escape should be classified differently than a Ford Focus wagon. And in most countries they’re not.
I like that your tl;dr section was only a line shorter than your main section lol
One of auto pioneer Henry Lancester’s theories was that people are most comfortable with a ride height that comes close to their walking height. I think he was on to something.
The one where FCA designed it to handle well and survive operating on a road course for 20 minute sessions in triple-digit heat. It’s not going to be as fast as the others, but it will handle predictably so long as you treat the throttle with respect and it won’t break the car.
The Hellcat is considered because not all tracks have corners.
Some people can’t help invading your space due to size, and that’s just the risk you take when you fly.
Who exactly are you talking to? Ten year olds? Because the idea that playing football almost always led to degeneration of the brain, even years after playing, and even without regard to whether a player had sustained multiple concussions, is fairly recent. And even now, as this article points out, the cause of CTE…
Not sure if you noticed the current, but that depth of water moving at 10kts+ would have floated your veedub, rolled it over and be a very bad time. That individual was lucky he didn't do the same. He sunk quickly, but had floated for a brief moment. That was more of a rapids crossing than calm river wading. Ballsy…
Agree. First time on a wet Mid O with no instructor, during a race?? What did you expect to happen?? One of the most difficult wet tracks in the country with no experience and little preparation, these guys should have never made it out of a backmarker in Lemons.
Easy, chief. I pointed out that Gawker should help supply these guys with Bondurant School lessons at the very least after the Camaro accident, and I got lots of very angry Jalopnik commenters telling me I don’t know what I’m talking about and to back off.
Am I the only one that notices a trend with Jalopnik writers, where they seem totally unprepared to things or completely irresponsible, fuck it all up, and then go “Well, now I know for the future! Don’t do this!” as if that somehow makes their actions somehow acceptable, since they admit fault and then tell everyone…
Wait, what did the guy who hit you have to say? “Rubbin’s racing” or was he furious? Was he able to get his car going again?
Has whatever company YOU work for ever had to deal with the EPA, CARB, NHTSA? Probably not.